Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Jesse Jackson: SC “sinking the ship in order to protect states rights”

Posted: 28 Dec 2011 07:08 AM PST

From Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina:

Jesse Jackson said that we are playing to an imaginary South Carolina and “sinking the ship in order to protect states rights”. Our response: “The only thing imaginary about South Carolina is Rev. Jackson’s belief that our citizens will have better health care, better schools, and better job opportunities if the federal govt continues to try and control our state. We appreciate his concern but we’ll Keep doing what we believe is best for the state we actually live in- and will continue to watch South Carolina grow and move toward a bright future.”

By Dykes, David | Greenville Online

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Republicans are playing to an "imaginary audience" in South Carolina for next year's presidential election and the state's electorate must brush aside the conservative rhetoric to meet the state's most pressing economic and social needs.

A spokesman for Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, said, however, "the only thing imaginary about South Carolina" is Jackson’s belief that the state's outlook will improve "if the federal government continues to try and control our state."

The partisan exchange came Tuesday, less than a month before South Carolina's Republican presidential primary.

Jackson, a civil rights activist and Greenville native, said the federal government must help the state live up to the promise of democracy for all.

"America's a liberal idea," Jackson, founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, said in an interview with "So all this espousing 'I am a locked-in-the-cement-conservative' misses what is essentially America."

Its multicultural and multiracial richness helped shape the nation, and past acceptance of "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" must continue in dealing with immigration and racial issues, Jackson said.

"I just hope that somebody from the South – South Carolina – will not let people come through here and play us cheap," said Jackson, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988.

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Tea Party Express backs Bachmann

Posted: 27 Dec 2011 11:31 AM PST

SACRAMENTO — The Tea Party Express offered support to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s bid to be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, but stopped short of an endorsement.

The Tea Party Express, in a statement, said that while it hasn’t endorsed any candidate, it was committed to backing the conservative candidate who could best defeat President Obama in November, Roll Call reported Monday.

“While the Tea Party Express has not endorsed a presidential candidate at this time, Michele Bachmann [R-Minn.] garners strong Tea Party support because of her work and commitment to restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C.,” Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer said.

The Sacramento, Calif.-based group advocated for a competitive primary, beginning with the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses.

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Rep. Paul says defense bill assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’

Posted: 27 Dec 2011 11:29 AM PST

By Jonathan Easley, The Hill

GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul warned that the National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed by Congress this month, will accelerate the country's "slip into tyranny" and virtually assures "our descent into totalitarianism."

"The founders wanted to set a high bar for the government to overcome in order to deprive an individual of life or liberty," Paul, the libertarian congressman from Texas, said Monday in a weekly phone message to supporters. "To lower that bar is to endanger everyone. When the bar is low enough to include political enemies, our descent into totalitarianism is virtually assured. The Patriot Act, as bad as its violations against the Fourth Amendment was, was just one step down the slippery slope. The recently passed National Defense Authorization Act continues that slip into tyranny, and in fact, accelerates it significantly."

The NDAA is the nearly $670 billion defense spending bill that covers the military budget and funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One controversial provision mandates the detention of terror suspects and reaffirms the administration's authority to detain those suspected of having ties to terrorist organizations.

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Greater Boston Tea Party elects new president

Posted: 27 Dec 2011 07:42 AM PST

By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff

Boston's Tea Party movement has had a change in its top leadership.

Christine Morabito has been elected to replace Christen Varley of Holliston as president of the unofficial political group.

Morabito is a psychiatric nurse from Haverhill who has been heavily involved in Tea Party activities since the movement's inception in 2009, the group said in a statement. She also has served as a committee chair within the Merrimack Valley Tea Party and as a member of the Greater Boston Tea Party's steering committee since its inception in 2010.

"Christine has been a dedicated activist within the movement and has exhibited outstanding leadership qualities in her writing, her public speaking, and her service to the Greater Boston Tea Party," Varley said in a statement.

Morabito branded herself both "humbled and honored" to take over the group's presidency.

"When we articulate the principles of limited government, free speech, free markets, individual liberty, and personal responsibility, we will naturally grow our numbers and have a positive effect on public policy, both locally and nationally," said Morabito.

The statement also announced that Patrick Humphries was reelected as treasurer and Varley will slip into the slot as secretary.

The terms begin Jan. 1 and end Dec. 31, 2013.

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TSA screenings aren’t just for airports anymore

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:44 AM PST

By Brian Bennett, Los Angeles Times

Charlotte, N.C.— Rick Vetter was rushing to board the Amtrak train in Charlotte, N.C., on a recent Sunday afternoon when a canine officer suddenly blocked the way.

Three federal air marshals in bulletproof vests and two officers trained to spot suspicious behavior watched closely as Seiko, a German shepherd, nosed Vetter’s trousers for chemical traces of a bomb. Radiation detectors carried by the marshals scanned the 57-year-old lawyer for concealed nuclear materials.

When Seiko indicated a scent, his handler, Julian Swaringen, asked Vetter whether he had pets at home in Garner, N.C. Two mutts, Vetter replied. “You can go ahead,” Swaringen said.

The Transportation Security Administration isn’t just in airports anymore. TSA teams are increasingly conducting searches and screenings at train stations, subways, ferry terminals and other mass transit locations around the country.

“We are not the Airport Security Administration,” said Ray Dineen, the air marshal in charge of the TSA office in Charlotte. “We take that transportation part seriously.”

To read more, visit:,0,3213641.story

Tea Party Texan blames ‘failure to communicate’ for payroll tax debacle

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:42 AM PST

By Jonathan Easley, The Hill

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.), a member of the House Tea Party caucus, blamed Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for the fiasco over the payroll tax extension.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate," Gohmert said Monday on Fox News.

House Republicans initially balked on passing a two-month extension after it passed the Senate with overwhelming support, but the House GOP eventually relented and passed the short-term option.

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