Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Hallmark now distributing vaccine shot compliance cards targeting newborns across America

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 01:09 PM PST

By Mike Adams,

The Arizona Department of Health Services wants to remind parents to inject their newborn babies with neurologically-damaging chemical adjuvants found in vaccines, and to aid in this effort, they’ve teamed up with Hallmark, the famous greeting card company.

Hallmark has designed and provided a special “vaccine shot tracking” card — an “Immunization Record” — that features the following vaccine propaganda:

Bet you’re as proud
as you can be
of that new little branch
on your family tree!

One of the most important roles as a parent is to make sure your baby is immunized.

Keeping your little one healthy mean starting immunizations by two months of age.

…The following immunizations are recommended before the age of 2…

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Is the Party Over? Tea Party’s Visibility, Unity Under Scrutiny

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 01:04 PM PST

By Huma Khan,

The Tea Party movement emerged on the U.S. political scene with much fanfare, but nearly three years after it began, its influence in the 2012 presidential election has yet to stand out.

The grassroots conservative movement was successful in pulling in hundreds of thousands of Americans into the nation's capital and organizing rallies across the country to bring attention to the nation's fiscal plight. It was also credited with helping propel to power many new, unusual candidates in the 2010 mid-term elections.

But the Tea Party has been less visible when it comes to the 2012 elections, with many questioning whether it wields the same kind of influence it once did. There have been no rallies in Washington, D.C., recently and the movement has been overshadowed by the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, the top two contenders for the GOP nomination, have both supported policies on health care reform and economic issues that go against the very core principles of the Tea Party movement.

There's also little unity within the movement. Though some Tea Party leaders have endorsed Gingrich, saying that there's no perfect candidate, one of the movement's shining stars, Sen. Rand Paul, today warned that doing so could crumble the movement.

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Rand Paul: Republicans would take a giant step backward by choosing Gingrich

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 12:49 PM PST

By SEN. RAND PAUL, The Des Moines Register

As a U.S. senator elected from and by the tea party, I am often asked about the tea party, the conservative movement and the presidential race.

While conservatives and limited-government activists did, indeed, make great strides in 2010, those could easily be set back by nominating someone with a different set of ideas and values in 2012.

Let me start with something important. I have two goals for 2012:

I want to prevent the European debt crisis from consuming America next.

I want to elect a president who will defend the ideas of constitutional conservatism and limited government.

Unfortunately, while all Republican candidates would be an improvement over the present administration, two of the current frontrunners simply do not represent the tea party, the conservative movement, or the type of change our country desperately needs in 2012.

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