Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Why does Nancy Pelosi make you sick?

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 11:08 AM PST

Upset about the bailouts? Don’t want socialized health care? Tired of spending our children’s children into debt? It’s time to tell Nancy Pelosi that we are as mad as hell and we aren’t going to take it anymore.

Go to http://www.DropPelosi.com/ and let Nancy Pelosi know why she makes you sick.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

The Tea Party Movement Continues…

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 11:31 PM PDT

As passion builds for the freedom movement, Tea Party organizers have popped up all over the internet.  There are Tea Parties on a variety of dates, organized by a number of different individuals and organizations, spreading passion throughout our communities.  Yet, in order to make this movement the success that it should and will be, we must be able to independently coordinate our efforts.

On July 4th, without an ounce of support from the national media, without a parade from the talking heads, and with extreme passion in cities all across this country, patriots assembled in thousands of peaceful displays of not only protest, but in respect for the principles of independence this country was founded upon.

ReTeaParty.com has been coordinating with FreeandEqual.org, an organization that has been instrumental in obtaining ballot access, providing legal assistance, and promoting awareness of third party candidates across the political spectrum, with the common understanding that this movement is much larger than a protest against Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and the like.  We recognize that the slow destruction of our Constitution and our inalienable rights to self-responsibility, property, and the fruits of our labor has occurred over many administrations and been propelled by members on both "sides" of the party line.

As for this website, we will remain optimistic and in support of everyone's Tea Parties and look forward to significantly expanding our organizational tools, technology, and communications, as we believe there is a common goal amongst all our efforts to restore faith in the American people, and reinvigorate the (small "r") republican and decentralized ideals set forth in the Constitution of the United States.

To aid fellow patriots, ReTeaParty.com has provided a network where local organizers can request their own website, designed specifically for Tea Party coordination.  Organizers can control their own blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Meetup widgets, links, contact information, e-mail updates, and much more.  Let’s show the political players that we are all in this together, and that freedom has our vigilance.

Every two years, the political parties plan massive registration drives to coddle support for their partisan message. This upcoming election, let’s only stand by candidates that represent individuals, not political parties, and Re-Declare our Independence.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Tea Parties, Community, and Kelly

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 04:20 PM PDT

With less than a week until the big Tea Parties, we hope you have all had the opportunity to organize yourselves, contact the media, and align speakers for what should be hundreds of fun filled and productive events on Saturday.

Everyday, our government hands us new pieces of legislation that increases our taxes, infringes on our constitutional rights, and sends our tax dollars to those that don’t deserve them.  Together, on July 4th, we stand up to say ENOUGH!

As the Democrats plan to put an out of control government in charge of our health care, and the Republicans stand up to…well…not really sure what they stand for anymore, let’s re-declare our independence together, and voice our respect, not for the possessors of power, but the principles of individual freedom and Liberty.

On a side note, many of you have received messages from a “Kelly”, looking for love.  Althought we encourage everyone to love one another, this is not a dating service site and spamming the members has resulted in us banning her from the site.  To all those interested in a relationship with her, we apologize, but you will have to communicate with her away from this site.

Good luck to everyone, and stay tuned as we are planning a redevelopment of the website to better organize, promote, and publicize all your hard work and activities.  The development will be launched in stages and we hope to unveil the begining in a few short months.  Thank you and continue the good, hard work.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Tea Party poll results

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 06:40 AM PDT

Based on a fairly significant number of comments, the following objectives registered high on your list:

1.  Increase state sovereignty

2.  Throw out big government & big spending incumbents

3.  Reform the tax code

4.  Institute constitutional term limits for those in Congress

5.  Decrease federal spending

6.  Make Congress read the bills before voting

7.  End all federal bailouts

In summary, We the People seek greater states’ rights, a more limited and fiscally restrained Federal Government, meaningful tax reform, and a more accountable Congress.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

CA Assemblyman Declares His Independence

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:40 PM PDT

It not unusual for politicians, like Arlen Specter, to switch affiliation when their party is out of power. However, in a rare occurrence, former Democrat Assemblyman Juan Arambula re-registered as an Independent (called “decline to state” in California), saying “The special interests have a lot to say about what goes on in both parties. But my real frustration is I can’t be effective for my constituents [in the Democratic Party].”

Is this a sign that the tide is turning? Are politicians waking up to the fact that voters are just plain fed up with political games? Have the special interest finally gone too far? This July 4th, let’s join Assemblyman Arambula, other Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, and everyone else that is sending a message to the political elite, and Re-Declare Our Independence.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Tea Party Merchandise Contest

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 03:55 PM PDT

Make sure to show up to July’s Tea Party protest in style and equipped to spread the message: here’s a contest to win free Tea Party Merchandise.

If you don’t want to bother about the contest, you can also just purchase Tea Party merch. There’s a wide variety of great designs to choose from.

In Liberty!

-W. E. Messamore


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Tea Party Poll

Posted: 19 Jun 2009 01:56 PM PDT

People often ask, “What’s the point of the tea parties?” “What are you trying to accomplish?”  “What are your goals?”  To provide answers to these critical questions, perhaps it would be beneficial to create a basic poll.  Here’s a list of potential objectives for Tea Party protestors.  List your top five:

  • Balance the federal budget
  • Lower taxes across the board
  • Increase state sovereignty in political, economic, and social issues
  • Institute constitutional term limits in Congress
  • Decrease federal spending
  • Borrow less money from foreign powers such as China, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, etc.
  • Make Congress cite chapter & verse in the Constitution when passing bills
  • End all federal bailouts
  • Increase ballot access for Independent & Third Party candidates
  • Increase the value of our Dollar
  • Throw out every single candidate, regardless of party affiliation, who voted for any of the federal bailouts
  • Increase transparency & accountability at the Federal Reserve
  • Reform the entire tax code
  • Elect Washington outsiders in upcoming elections
  • Start paying down the national debt
  • Throw out big government & big spending incumbents, regardless of party affiliation
  • Make Congress read the bills before they actually vote
  • Build the foundation for a new, third party
  • Start running for political office ourselves

This list is by no means exhaustive, and there is some degree of overlap between the various categories, but it serves as a good starting point.  What are your Tea Party’s top five objectives?


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Fact Check debunks Obama’s unemployment predictions

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 07:48 AM PDT

FactCheck presents a couple of insightful charts which falsify the Obama administration’s unemployment outlook and stimulus projections.  Here are the basic features:

  • Without a stimulus package, Obama’s team predicted unemployment would hit 9% early next year.  However, it’s already at 9.4% and climbing.
  • With a stimulus package, Obama’s team predicted unemployment would max out at 8% later this year.  Again, it’s already at 9.4%.

Clearly these economic predictions have already been significantly falsified.

Back in early January, Obama stated that unless bold, government actions were taken, unemployment could hit double digits.  Just yesterday, when asked by a reporter, “Will unemployment hit 10%?”, Obama said, “Yes.”  The reporter then asked, “Before the end of this year?”  Obama replied, “Yes.”  So much for the bold, government actions.

Now, before everyone jumps on these failed predictions and obvious contradictions, let’s not forget that Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, and the Bush administration committed many of the same errors.  Bernanke, throughout 2005-2008, repeatedly stated that America’s economy was strong, sound, and robust.  Even in 2008, Bernanke stated that, at most, we might experience a minor slow down.  As for the Bush administration, it wouldn’t even admit that the country was in a recession in 2008, until absolute proof came in September.  Supposedly, the fundamentals were as sound as ever.

There’s an obvious pattern here.  The Federal Government, including the Federal Reserve, has made a number of inaccurate predictions these last several years.  Their projections have been a poor reflection of reality.  The current administration is continuing a trend long in the making.

It would behoove We the People to view government numbers with a high degree of skepticism.  We need to dig a bit deeper, do some research, and think for ourselves.

Read here.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

So far, Obama says no to California bailout

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 01:43 PM PDT

Thus far, the Obama administration is resisting the notion of a federal bailout for the bankrupt state.  Let’s hope it stays that way.  We’ll find out if Obama sticks to his guns by the end of July.

Bailing out a fiscally reckless state such as California would increase the already gargantuan federal budget deficit, add even more debt, place further pressure on the US Dollar, and potentially open the floodgates for the host of other states that have grossly mishandled their check books.

The time is long overdue for California to get its budget under control. Years and years of overspending have lead to disastrous consequences.  Better to take the tough medicine now, suffer some short-term pain, and lay the foundation for legitimate recovery in the years to come.

Now, if we could just get the Federal Government to take its own advice.  For the last 8 1/2 years, its motto has been “Do what I say, not what I do.”

What are your thoughts on California and its budget crisis?

Read here.


Analyst says U.S. may lose AAA rating soon

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 07:58 AM PDT

Yet another financial analyst is warning that the U.S. could lose its AAA credit rating in the near future.    The “consensus” tends to disagree, though this is the same consensus that failed to predict the stock, credit, and real estate collapse of ‘08.

Mammoth debt, huge deficits, and excessive money printing are raising eyebrows around the world.  Facing over $11 trillion of debt, $99 trillion of unfunded liabilities, nearly $2 trillion budget deficits, and a Dollar that has lost about 33% of its value since 2002, the United States is in deep trouble.

The previous, Republican administration and a largely Republican Congress, couldn’t even balance the budget.  They piled on more debt and stood idly by as the Federal Reserve devalued the Dollar.  Now, a Democratic administration and a Democratic Congress are creating even bigger deficits, piling on even more debt, and devaluing the Dollar further.

At some point, We the People need to step up to the plate if we’re to save our nation from an economic apocalypse.  Ultimately, we’re the ones voting in these politicians.

We need to start doing our homework as voters.  We need to look at voting records, instead of listening to empty rhetoric.  We need to start seriously considering Washington outsiders, instead of giving a free pass to the same old D.C. insiders.  We need to start throwing out our own party favorites, instead of justifying their chronically unbalanced budgets.  We need to start thinking for ourselves, instead of allowing our favorite networks and talk show hosts to do our thinking for us.

Those are some of my solutions.  What are some of yours?

Read here.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Gas prices on the rise again

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 10:10 AM PDT

Since the end of April, the nationwide price for a gallon of gas has jumped about 22%.  Of course, in the pretend land of government, fuel prices are not included in inflation statistics.  But, the US taxpayer is beginning to feel the consequences of  a weak US Dollar and a precipitous rise in crude oil prices.

Gas prices continue to exceed most economists’ predictions, and many wonder if the recent surge will further extend the current recession.  Early last year,  severe weakness in the Dollar exploded gas prices to over $4 a gallon.  With even more money printing, more spending, and more borrowing, are we headed there again?  We’ll have to wait and see.

A weak US Dollar punishes the American people.  Inflation is an insidious tax that robs hardworking taxpayers of their savings, wages, and purchasing power.  Our last President, with the help of the Federal Reserve, significantly devalued our Dollar, and the current President, with the help of the Federal Reserve, seems bent on pursuing the same path.

Read here.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Focusing on the Fundamental Issues

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 12:00 PM PDT

In order to successfully take back or government, we first have to turn our own views of politics upside down. Most of us get involved in the Tea Party movement, and politics in general, because we are animated by the issues of the day. To make this Tea Party movement work, and to broaden its appeal so it includes all Americans who demand change regardless of ideology, we must set aside the hot topics and concentrate on the fundamental issues which don't grab the headlines.

In a previous article (1), I have put forth the view that distinctions between left and right have become meaningless. The true division in our society is between the Robbers and the Robbed. The Robbers love to use the hot topics to keep us divided. We must resist that urge to help them divide us and conquer us by agreeing to disagree, if necessary, on the issues which mean the most to us.

One such hot topic is immigration. Many conservatives are deeply concerned about border security and the loss of jobs to people who are here illegally, while the libertarians and progressives among us generally prefer a more open border policy and desire to make it easier for new immigrants to settle here and become citizens.

Another of these issues is health care. Those of us on the left agitate for "single-payer" plans and more government attention to the issue, while most of us on the right say increasing government's role in health care will only lead to disaster.

In Grand Rapids (2), recently we witnessed competing demonstrations between groups supporting or opposed to a single-payer health care plan. The Robbers love this kind of news. While good people on both sides are putting their energies into arguing with each other over one issue, the Robbers can continue to oppress us on all issues without us putting up a fight.

If we spend our time arguing with each other over immigration, health care, or similar issues which dominate the news, we will never get anywhere. Even when it is a top issue for us, we need to be willing to set it aside in favor of those fundamental issues which will allow us to return to these debates in a sensible manner.

The first understanding which brings us together is simply the recognition that our system of government is broken. Regardless of our position on the political spectrum, we all can see just how far we have strayed from the Constitutional principles which made our Republic strong. In order to address any single issue, we first have to fix our system of government and, as Jefferson stated so well, bind it again to the chains of the Constitution.

This is why Free and Equal is recruiting speakers from the widest possible variety of viewpoints. We all have of grievances that need to be redressed, but considering where we all reside on the political spectrum, we express them differently, use different examples or points of emphasis, and often propose different solutions. Our goal is to get past any disagreement on labels or specific issues and start the conversation that will unite us, so we can fix this broken system together.

Much work has gone into expressing the ReTeaParty statement of principles (3). We have vetted them several times with many people all across the political spectrum in order to present them with the broadest possible appeal.

We can all agree that bailouts, rising national debt, and corporate welfare are destroying our economy. Everyone wants our government to be transparent and accessible to the people. We all want our freedom, and we understand that defending it starts with establishing our right to privacy from the prying eyes and ears of Big Brother.

Ultimately, all across the political spectrum you will find the growing understanding that the Constitution expresses the kind of government that will work for us much better than the corporatism we endure today.

We're serious in our call to Re-Declare our Independence (4) that we welcome "any and all groups and individuals dissatisfied with the current governance of the United States, regardless of ideology, partisan identity, or political affiliation."

Taking partisan stands on issues such as immigration or health care, or anything else that sets us up to remain warring factions, only serves the Robbers. What will work for us is to take non-partisan stands on fundamental principles which unite all Americans.

If we continue to play their partisan game, while we squabble with each other we face the very real possibility that the entire system will collapse. All the partisan issues become quite meaningless when people are struggling simply to feed their families and survive.

Before we can have any hope of reasonably working to our differences on single issues, we have to fight just to have a stable government that allows us to peacefully resolve these differences. We have to restore a sustainable and moral economy that supports our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

That is why the Tea Party movement is most successful when we stick to the fundamental issues of reform. Once we again become secure in a system which supports our lives, our liberties, and our pursuit of happiness however we define it, only then will it become possible for us to revisit the hot topics with the ability to actually resolve them in a way which is positive for all Americans.



(1) http://www.reteaparty.com/2009/04/17/what-tea-parties-are-and-are-not/

(2) http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2009/05/both_sides_demonstrate_in_gran.html

(3) http://www.reteaparty.com/principles/

(4) http://www.reteaparty.com/2009/04/28/the-tea-party-movement/


American Medical Association opposes government-run healthcare

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 07:32 AM PDT

The debate continues to intensify over the prospect of a federally operated, national healthcare system.  The American Medical Association (AMA) is the nation’s largest physician organization, and it staunchly opposes  government sponsored care.  Dr. Nancy Nielson, President of the AMA, stated, “…we absolutely oppose government control of health care decisions or mandatory physician participation in any plan.”  On the other hand, the Physicians for a National Health Program supports government-sponsored healthcare, though it believes private doctors and hospitals should be largely responsible for administering medical treatment.  Let the lobbying contest begin.

It appears as if the current administration and Democratic-led Congress will pass some version of nationalized healthcare plan in the coming months.  Many of us are fearful of the high costs, lower quality, decreased efficiency, and lack of freedom associated with any government-dominated program.  However, as we move forward, let’s refrain from the usual Democrat bashing and partisan insults.  Let’s not forget that the former Republican administration never balanced the budget in its 8 year tenure, doubled the national debt, increased the size of the Federal Government, seized private firms, and bailed out private companies with taxpayer money.

Instead, let’s make sure that we’re offering specific, free-market solutions.  Let’s ask our favorite TV & radio hosts to propose alternative solutions instead of just criticizing the Democratic Party.  Let’s ensure that candidates running for office in the 2010 elections are providing detailed answers on how to preserve patient choice, promote medical competition in the free market to lower costs and increase the quality of care,  explore outside-the-box solutions, and reform a system that is bankrupting our nation.  Let’s become the movement of actual ideas.

Read here.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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Independent commission cites significant economic waste in Afghanistan & Iraq

Posted: 08 Jun 2009 10:27 AM PDT

The independent, Wartime Contracting Commission, is set to release a 111 page report documenting poor management, weak oversight, and a failure to learn from mistakes in Iraq & Afghanistan.  Since 2001, billions of dollars of taxpayer money have been wasted on various projects sponsored by the Department of Defense and private contractors.  Apparently, hundreds of thousands of private contractors are running amok in these war theaters with little to no oversight, accountability, or transparency.

What would you propose as a solution?

Read more here.


Monday, June 8, 2009

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Federal Reserve to hire former Enron lobbyist

Posted: 08 Jun 2009 06:51 AM PDT

America’s elite central bank is hiring a veteran lobbyist to improve its public image.  This should be enough to sound the alarm bells of suspicion.  Can you blame them, though?  The Fed failed to predict the current crisis, devalued the Dollar by over 30% since 2002, inflated the real estate bubble with artificially low rates, and printed trillions of dollars out of thin air to rescue its buddies on Wall St.  Throughout the unfolding crisis, it colluded with the Federal Government, Treasury Department, and several, monolithic Wall St. firms, thus eroding its claim of monetary independence as a “private” bank.

A growing number of politicians, Republican, Democrat, and Independent, are growing wise to this act.  The American people are learning more and more about the Fed’s inflationary monetary policies.  Politicians are demanding more accountability and greater transparency.  The people are reading books about a banking institution they once knew nothing about.

Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, broke tradition and appeared on 60 minutes for a public interview.  Now, the Fed’s about to hire a veteran lobbyist, who worked for the scandalized Enron, as well as the Treasury Department under then President Bill Clinton.  Seems like somebody’s just a little bit worried.

Read here.


Famous Reagan quote

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 07:09 PM PDT

In an interview, the late Ronald Reagan once stated, “I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.”  To be clear, this blog is not meant as an endorsement of the libertarian party.   It is neutral on the issue.  However, it is a thought provoking statement worth careful examination.

What do you think former President Ronald Reagan meant by this statement?  What could we reasonably infer from his poignant insight? Let’s hear your thoughts.


Friday, June 5, 2009

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Will we ever balance the budget?

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 07:34 AM PDT

It’s almost become an outlandish proposition these days.  Balance the budget, you’ve got to be kidding, right?  That’s for the next Administration, the next Congress,  the next generation to do, or so we’re told.   Fiscal responsibility is always pushed down the road, to be dealt with at a later time.  But, before you know it, you’ve created $2 trillion budget deficits, over $11 trillion of national debt, and over $99 trillion of unfunded liabilities.

However, there’s always some type of justification.  We have to spend more to stimulate the economy.  We have to spend more to prevent the onset of another Great Depression.  We have to spend more to reform healthcare.  We have to spend more to improve education.  We have to spend more to save the environment.  We have to spend more to fight terrorism.  We have to spend more to fund overseas military operations.  We have to spend more to rescue private industry.  It goes on and on and on.

Whatever happened to efficiency?  Whatever happened to the phrase, “Quality, not quantity”?  Whatever happened to living within our means? Would America really collapse if it stuck to a balanced budget?  Over the last eight and a half years, it appears as if most Republicans and Democrats would have you think so.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

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The 2000’s: One bubble after another?

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:55 AM PDT

In the early 2000’s, the Dot-Com bubble burst and the U.S. entered into a recession.  The government significantly increased deficit spending, particularly after 9/11, the Federal Reserve began a long period of interest rate cuts, and the Dollar devalued.  Then, in 2008, the Real Estate bubble burst and the U.S entered into a severe recession.  The government significantly increased deficit spending, particularly in bailing out Wall St., and the Federal Reserve initiated a massive money printing program and lowered rates even further.

Some analysts and trends forecasters are warning of a new, Bailout Bubble.  Unprecedented deficit spending, more borrowing, endless bailouts, and a huge increase in money printing could be laying the foundation for yet another burst of the US economy.  This one, they warn, may produce severe inflationary consequences, worse than those seen in the 1970s and early 1980s.

The question is, when will this bubble burst?  Or, is it starting to burst already?  What do you think?


Fed chairman warns about huge budget deficits

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 08:13 AM PDT

Even Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, is sounding the alarm bells about record breaking budget deficits.  According to Bernanke, excessive government spending and borrowing will derail America’s future economic prosperity.  But, is anybody really listening?  Does anybody really take this threat seriously?

George W. Bush and a largely Republican Congress ran up big deficits and piled on more debt.  President Obama and a Democratic Congress are already projected to run up even bigger budget deficits and pile on even more debt.  The Obama administration’s idea of getting our budget under control is lowering the deficit from $2 trillion to $1 trillion at some point in the future.  Talk about lofty expectations.

Perhaps the time has come for We the People to start voting in candidates who will actually cut spending, end the bailouts, and balance the budget.  And perhaps the time has come for We the People to start voting out every single candidate, regardless of party, who has voted to increase spending, bail out Wall St, and pass unbalanced budgets.  The buck stops with us.

Read here.
