Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Help Randy Brogdon Fight for State Sovereignty

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 12:51 PM PDT

Our nation’s future is at risk.  Washington politicians continue to strip our freedom and privacy away through corporate bailouts, outrageous stimulus schemes, unconstitutional healthcare, Real ID, and out of control debt.  These grievous violations are a result of state leaders shirking their responsibility to protect state sovereignty explained in the Tenth Amendment.

Click here to help Randy fight for the 10th Amendment!

We can change the course of history and bring restoration to our founding principles by reclaiming state sovereignty through the Tenth Amendment.  Restoration will not happen in Washington DC but by each state reclaiming what is rightfully theirs.  My vision is for Oklahoma, through strong proven leadership, to be a beacon of restoration for the rest of the country.  It can begin in Oklahoma.  It will happen with me as Governor.

Randy Brogdon is author of SJR 10, otherwise known as the 10th Amendment  Resolution. This resolution is designed to protect states rights and prevent  the federal government from overexerting its legislative power. His efforts on  the 10th Amendment Initiative have brought him national attention from several  media outlets across the country.
