Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Poll: Most oppose assault weapon ban

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:08 AM PDT


A new poll indicates that more and more people now have guns in their homes, and that America’s attitude towards gun-control may be shifting.
According to a new Gallup poll, 47 percent of Americans report having a gun on their property, up from 41 percent a year ago.

It’s the highest number Gallup has recorded since 1993.

The poll also found that 53 percent of Americans oppose a ban on assault rifles and semiautomatic guns – the first time more have opposed than supported a ban.

It’s difficult to monitor gun ownership in this country, and the latest increase in self-reported gun ownership could reflect more of a change in Americans’ comfort with stating publicly that they have a gun, than in a real increase in gun ownership.

To read more, visit:

Cain builds on Tea Party base in N.H.

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:01 AM PDT

By Shira Schoenberg , The Boston Globe

Even as the New York Times is reporting on turmoil within Republican businessman Herman Cain's presidential campaign, Cain is working to build up his New Hampshire organization, particularly among Tea Party supporters.

In an email to supporters this week, former New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Jack Kimball threw his weight behind Cain, and announced that Cain will be opening more offices and building up his New Hampshire campaign.

After the Times reported that the Cain campaign often did not have basic supplies like bumper stickers, Kimball wrote that supplies would be forthcoming. "We have two N.H. Cain Campaign Headquarters now and are planning to add more," Kimball wrote. "We are receiving stock items such as bumper stickers, yard signs, literature, and campaign buttons. All supplies will be ramped up shortly and we will be fully stocked going into the final days of the primary."

Cain will next be in New Hampshire Nov. 10 for a "constitutional conversation" at Saint Anselm College, sponsored by the Granite State Patriots Liberty Political Action Committee. The group, which Kimball used to lead, is an umbrella group for Tea Party, Constitutional and other liberty-oriented groups.

To read more, visit:

Bachmann blames Perry for tea party trashing

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:56 AM PDT


Michele Bachmann is blaming a tea party group’s call for her to bow out of the 2012 race on Rick Perry, insisting it was a dirty trick – adding she had no evidence but had heard word of it.

In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Bachmann said that American Majority, which posted a message saying it was time for her to pull the plug on her campaign, calling it not serious.

Bachmann, whose base is the tea party, promptly – without offering evidence of it – blamed the Perry campaign.

“We found out that this is really a misstep on the part of the Perry campaign because these are Perry supporters that came out,” she said. “This was a clumsy move. This was meant to be a stealth move to make it look like this was Tea Party, and apparently, these are Perry supporters that came out and it was just a clumsy move on their part to make this statement.”

“If Governor Perry has something to say to me, he can come out to the debates and he say it. But this was clearly — this egg on the face, unfortunately, for the Perry campaign. It certainly isn’t a blow to my campaign because I’ve had non-stop support coming out of the woodwork from Tea Partiers all across the country ever since this came out.”

When Blitzer pushed for evidence and whether she had any, she said, “No, this is something that people have told us, that these are Perry supporters and they went out with this and this was meant to be a stealth move and it was clumsy.”

To read more, visit:

Michelle: GOP Would Curb Freedom of Speech, Religion

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 05:20 PM PDT


In a chilling appraisal of President Obama's Republican opposition, First Lady Michelle Obama Thursday suggested a Republican victory in the 2012 presidential election would result in curbs on freedom of speech and religion.

Speaking at a fundraiser at a private residence in Tampa, Mrs. Obama noted the power of the president to appoint members of the Supreme Court. She clearly indicated that a Republican would select justices who would attack basic First Amendment rights, saying, "that's what's at stake" in the election.

From the White House transcript:

Let's not forget about what it meant when my husband appointed those two brilliant Supreme Court justices — (applause) — and for the first time in history, our daughters — and our sons — watched three women take their seats on our nation's highest court. (Applause.) But more importantly, let's not forget the impact those decisions will have on our lives for decades to come — on our privacy and security, on whether we can speak freely, worship openly, and love whomever we choose. That is what's at stake here. (Applause.)

Mrs. Obama's contention that Republican justices would curtail people's abilities to "love whomever we choose" appears to suggest Republicans would go beyond opposition to gay marriage and move to limit gay relationships. President Obama himself claims he opposes gay marriage, so her suggestion that Republican-selected justices would jeopardize the ability to "love whomever we choose" cannot possibly refer to gay marriage.

As she has previously, Michelle also posits racism on the part of Republicans, indicating their policies would lead to discrimination against children based on "what they look like."

Will we be a country where opportunity is limited to just the few at the top? Who are we? Or will we give every child a chance to succeed no matter where they're from, or what they look like or how their money parents are — have. Who are we?

To read more, visit:

It’s open (enrollment) season on tax savings

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 05:15 PM PDT


NEW YORK (AP) — Grumbling about taxes is a national preoccupation. Yet workers forgo thousands of dollars in tax savings every year.

The oversight happens despite the weeks-long open enrollment period companies give employees to make changes to their health insurance benefits.

Take for example health care flexible spending accounts, which let workers set aside tax-free wages for items such as insurance copays and supplies, such as bandages and sunscreen. A study by the benefits consulting firm Mercer last year found that less than a quarter of eligible workers open these accounts. And just 7 percent take advantage of similar accounts for dependent care, which can significantly offset the cost of day care for working parents.

But if a worker were to set aside the typical total maximum of $10,000 between the two accounts, the savings would amount to $2,500. That’s assuming a 25 percent tax rate.

So at a time when household budgets are under increasing pressure, don’t let another year pass without taking advantage of the tax benefits offered at work.

Here’s what you need to know about taxes and open enrollment:

Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts

The cost of health care goes far beyond insurance premiums; just think of all the co-pays for doctor visits and money spent on items such as aspirin and cold packs for arthritis.

To help offset such expenses, most large companies let you set aside up to $5,000 of pre-tax wages in a health care flexible spending account, or FSA.

To read more, visit:

States struggle to pay for Medicaid

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 05:10 PM PDT

By Paige Winfield Cunningham,

Infused with billions of extra Medicaid dollars from President Obama's economic stimulus package, states have largely burned through the aid and are scrounging for a way to support programs bloated by the sluggish economy.

The majority of states have cut provider payments as they try to make up the lost funding and grapple with budget imbalances in fragile economies, according to an annual study of state Medicaid programs released Thursday by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

It's a double-whammy this year. On July 1, states lost the extra federal funding that reached $100 billion over three years and helped them pay for increased Medicaid enrollment. And while Medicaid growth has slowed, enrollment in the federal-state health-care program for the poor hasn't receded as unemployment remains above 9 percent.

"While the relief was enormously helpful, states are still battling persistently high unemployment rates," said Robin Rudowitz, associate director of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

In 2009, Congress sent the states $87 billion in extra Medicaid funding as part of a massive stimulus bill that was intended to mitigate the recession. Legislators extended the aid through July, although it was originally intended to end in December 2010. At that point, states were far from recovery, Ms. Rudowitz said.

"When the relief began in October 2008, compared to when it was scheduled to end in December 2010, all states had higher unemployment rates than when the relief began," she said.

To read more, visit:

Hi-tech new sat-nav projects a ‘line’ into the landscape that shows you where to drive

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 05:05 PM PDT


For years, geeks have been enthused about the idea of ‘heads-up’ sat navs – projected onto the windshield like a fighter cockpit readout.

Companies already make very basic units which just project a sat-nav display on screen – but Making Virtual Solid has unveiled a product that paints information ‘into’ the real world you see ahead of you.

It laser-paints a virtual ‘cable’ on your windshield – a red, 3D line on screen. The line hovers above the road, and you simply follow it – making navigating in a car as easy as following a train track (in theory, at least).

The system ‘models’ the road in real time, and projects its data ‘into’ the 3D landscape – so it can also highlight points of interest such as petrol stations.

The projections are fully transparent – and its makers claim, safer because the projections sit ‘in’ the landscape.

The system could also project crucial safety information onto the road by ‘lighting up’ barely visible road signs for drivers at night.

The laser system is far too complex to be housed in a standalone ‘box’ unit – the image you see reflects off a ‘screen’ flush in the dashboard.

To read more, visit:–projects-windscreen.html

Big-hearted snakes offer clues to healing humans

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 05:01 PM PDT


Snakes get a bad rap for being slimy, cold-hearted creatures, but US researchers said Thursday some actually have huge hearts that could offer clues to treating people with cardiac disease.

The secret to the giant Burmese python’s success is in a massive amount of fatty acids that circulate in the snake’s blood after eating a meal, which could be as big as a deer, according to the study in the journal Science.

Scientists at the University of Colorado at Boulder found that as the snake starts digesting its catch, natural oils and fats called triglycerides spike by more than 50 times the usual level.

But there is no fat deposited in the snake’s heart, due to the activation of a key enzyme that protects the thumping organ as it grows in mass by as much as 40 percent in the first few days after a meal.

Scientists identified the chemical composition of the python’s blood after eating, and injected either the fed python’s plasma or a mixture devised to imitate it into pythons that were fasting.

“In both cases, the pythons showed increased heart growth and indicators of cardiac health,” said the study, noting that Burmese pythons are as thick as a telephone pole, grow to around 27 feet (eight meters) long and can go without food for up to a year.

Researchers then tried the experiment on mice, and found that mice injected with either fed python plasma or the fatty acid mixture showed the same results.

To read more, visit:

Chicago may decriminalize marijuana

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 10:43 AM PDT


Chicago pot smokers may soon be able to light up without fear of jail time.

Several Windy City councilmen said Thursday they plan to introduce a local law that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in order to cut costs and free up police to handle more serious crimes.

Chicago police make about 23,000 arrests each year for possession of the drug, a misdemeanor which nevertheless carries stiff punishment of up to six months in jail, a $1,500 fine and a criminal record.

Under the new law set to be introduced next week, people caught with less than 10 grams of marijuana would instead face a $200 fine and up to 10 hours of community service.

Marijuana has already been downgraded to a lesser offense in several Chicago suburbs and areas of Cook County patrolled by the sheriff’s department.

Some 11 US states have also decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot and 18 states allow its use for medical purposes, according to the pro-marijuana group NORML.

To read more, visit:

Ron Paul Does Not Rule Out A Third-Party Run

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 10:33 AM PDT

From Real Clear Politics

Ron Paul would not pledge to rule out a third-party run for president if he did not get the Republican nod. Paul said he is running for the Republican nomination and to make such an announcement now would undermine his current campaign.

Paul was discussing his candidacy with the panel on FOX News’ “Special Report.”

However, Ron Paul hinted several times during the interview that the thought is in his mind. Paul noted that there are more registered Independents than Republicans or Democrats in the state of New Hampshire.

When asked if he would pledge not to run as a third candidate Paul dodged giving a direct answer. “I pledge that I have no intention of doing it,” Paul said cheerfully.

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