Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Meditation can cut heart attacks by as much as half

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:42 AM PDT

By Richard Alleyne, The Telegraph

Transcendental meditation, the relaxation technique made famous by the Beatles, can cut heart attack and stroke death rates by up to 50%, new research has found.

The practice, which involves the continual repeating of a mantra, was found to reduce high blood pressure, cholesterol and thickening of the arteries. It is also protects against diabetes.

“This is a seminal finding,” said Dr Norman Rosenthal of the American government’s National Institute of Mental Health.

“The prevention of heart attack and stroke and actual lengthening of lifespan by an alternative
treatment method is exceedingly rare, if not unprecedented.

“If Transcendental Meditation were a drug conferring so many benefits, it would be a billion-dollar blockbuster.”Stress is a major factor in heart disease and meditation experts say the technique can help control it.

Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin followed 201 men and women with an average age of 59 who suffered from the narrowing of arteries in their hearts for nine years.

Half of the group were taught Transcendental Meditation along with their normal treatment while the others just received advice on how to modify their diets and exercise routines.

They found that those who regularly meditated reduced their chances of dying or having a heart attack or stroke by 47 per cent compared with those who received traditional care.

In those who were particularly enthusiastic about the meditation or unusually susceptible to stress, the results were even stronger.

They showed a two-thirds reduction in chances of dying during the trial.

Professor Theodore Kotchen, the co-author of the £2.5 million trial, said: “These findings are the strongest documented effects yet produced by a mind-body intervention on cardiovascular disease.
“The effect is as large or larger than major categories of drug treatment for cardiovascular disease.”

To read more, visit:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8600889/Meditation-can-cut-heart-attacks-by-as-much-as-half.html

Global Warming Required to Graduate?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:17 AM PDT

By Jim Angle, FOXNews.com

Maryland is the first state in the country to impose a new requirement to graduate from high school — something called environmental literacy.

But what is that? That is the question State Senator J. B. Jennings is asking.

“What kind of education is it going to be?" he asks. "Is it going to be fact-based? Or is it going to be theory-based, which is usually politically, theory driven. And you can think, it’s going to be about global warming or climate change.”

Sarah Bodor of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation supports the initiative and says there is no mandate.

“People express concern about the content but what is important to know is that this new requirement doesn’t actually mandate any content at all.”

The new rule is a regulation from the State Board of Education, not a law passed by the legislature, so it lays out no specifics. Governor Martin O’Malley offers no real details but praises it, saying it will “infuse core subjects with lessons about conservation and smart growth and the health of our natural world.”

O'Malley also said it’ll serve as a “foundation for green jobs,” though one analyst says training for those is just like it is for any other job.

To read more, visit:  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/06/27/maryland-adds-environmental-literacy-in-high-schools/?test=latestnews

Who Should Pay Income Taxes?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:11 AM PDT

By ELAINE MAAG, Forbes.com

David Walker, a former Government Accountability Office head, thinks it's a problem that half of Americans don't pay federal income taxes. At the June 22 IRS-Tax Policy Center Research Conference, he argued that more people ought to have "skin in the game" when it comes to paying these taxes so they will be invested in our country's future. I happen to think almost all of those people he's talking about do have skin in the game—more than he or I, in fact.

For starters, most people do pay taxes. As Walker recognizes, they pay payroll taxes, excise taxes, sales taxes, state income taxes–and more. Tax reform could easily involve some of these levies, so even people who don't pay federal income taxes today could be affected by reform. And please don't forget, while today's credits and deductions do knock many low-income people off the tax rolls, those in the top brackets reap far greater benefits.

Also, as noted by my colleague Eric Toder, people don't pay income taxes either because they have no taxable income (almost all of the elderly who don't pay income tax, for instance), or because they qualify for credits that offset their tax liability. For the people in the second group, increases in tax rates could very well hit them in the wallet – either because they'll owe net taxes or they'll receive smaller refunds.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities recent analysis of those who don't pay federal income taxes jibes with TPC's. The conclusion? Most are elderly, poor, or unemployed (including people who are too disabled to work). Whom, I wonder, should the tax man put on the block? And how much money is there to be gained by doing so?

The Earned Income Tax Credit keeps many off the tax roles. But it's not keeping wealthy people from paying income taxes. TPC estimates that in 2010, about 80 percent of its benefits went to households with income under $30,000.

To read more, visit:  http://blogs.forbes.com/beltway/2011/06/27/who-should-pay-income-taxes/

Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House, Violating FEC Laws

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:06 AM PDT

From Real Clear Politics

NRO’s Jim Geraghty raises the question of whether Barack Obama filmed a video for his reelection campaign in the White House, which may possibly be a violation of federal election laws.

In the video, President Obama promotes a “Dinner With Barack” raffle. To participate in the contest you need to donate at least $5 to the president’s re-election campaign and your name will be raffled off to enjoy a dinner with the President, airfare and accommodations included. In a new web video, Obama announced Vice President Joe Biden will also be attending the dinner.

There is one problem, however. This campaign ad was most likely recorded in the White House, which may have violated FEC campaign finance laws.

To read more, visit: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/06/27/dinner_with_obama_now_includes_joe_biden.html

Sarah Palin team reaching out to Iowa activists for meetings

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:02 AM PDT


Sarah Palin’s camp is reaching out to activists and operatives in Iowa about setting up meetings while she’s in the state Tuesday for the screening of a documentary about her — including with Chuck Laudner, a former Iowa GOP executive director and prominent conservative.

Laudner confirmed to POLITICO he’d gotten a call from a Palin backer either Friday or during the weekend asking about meeting with him while she’s in Pella for the screening of “The Undefeated.” Laudner later clarified that Palin’s team was talking about a group of people attending a post-film mingling session, and not one-on-one get-togethers. He said they reached out to tell him he was on the list for that.

“They said I was on the list” for people she wanted to get together with, said Laudner, who has ties to staunch conservative Iowa Rep. Steve King, who in Congress has formed an alliance with Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Laudner sounded skeptical about whether Palin is serious, or, as he said, “dancing around.”

“I’d be interested to see if she’s serious about a run,” he said. “That’d be (question) A; and B, would it be too late? That’s what it feels like, anyway. It’s not too late now, (but if you) dance around until fall,” it will be.

Nonetheless, he said, many conservatives are waiting to see what happens with Palin and Rick Perry, he said — discounting Tim Pawlenty as a “dead stick” and Herman Cain and Rick Santorum as “cruising along.” He did not mention Newt Gingrich.

As for Bachmann, he said she’s been a big beneficiary of good timing, with the Des Moines Register poll bracketing her kickoff.

That said, he added, expectations have now been raised for her, “and you almost have to be perfect from here to the straw poll.”

To read more, visit:  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/57855.html

Supreme Court will set rules for warrantless GPS tracking

Posted: 27 Jun 2011 09:41 AM PDT

By Declan McCullagh, cnet news

The U.S. Supreme Court today agreed to hear a lawsuit that will determine whether police need to obtain a judge’s approval before installing GPS trackers on Americans’ automobiles.

A ruling, which is expected by next year, will establish whether a warrant signed by a judge is required before law enforcement can engage in the intrusive practice of tracking a driver’s every move on the roads. The Obama administration argues that no warrant is needed.

The case that will be presented to the justices arose out of a criminal prosecution of Antoine Jones and Lawrence Maynard, two suspected cocaine dealers who ran a nightclub in Washington, D.C. Jones said the warrantless use of a GPS device to track every movement of his vehicle over the course of a month violated the Fourth Amendment, which generally says that warrantless searches are “unreasonable.”

In August 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia agreed, tossing out Jones’ conviction “because it was obtained with evidence procured in violation of the Fourth Amendment.”

“A reasonable person does not expect anyone to monitor and retain a record of every time he drives his car, including his origin, route, destination, and each place he stops and how long he stays there; rather, he expects each of those movements to remain ‘disconnected and anonymous,’” circuit judge Douglas Ginsburg wrote.

Even though police are planting GPS bugs on Americans’ vehicles thousands of times a year, the legal ground rules remain unclear, and lower courts have split on whether a warrant should be required. Once relegated, because of their cost, to the realm of what spy agencies could afford, GPS tracking devices now are readily available to jealous spouses, private investigators and local police departments for just a few hundred dollars.

To read more, visit:  http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20074701-281/supreme-court-will-set-rules-for-warrantless-gps-tracking/?tag=cnetRiver

Coming soon, the test-tube burger

Posted: 27 Jun 2011 09:05 AM PDT

By SOPHIE BORLAND, DailyMail.co.uk

The first 'test-tube' hamburger is only a year away, scientists claim.

They believe the product, beef mince grown from stem cells, could pave the way for eating meat without animals being slaughtered.

The Dutch scientists predict that over the next few decades the world's population will increase so quickly that there will not be enough livestock to feed everyone.

As a result, they say, laboratory-grown beef, chicken and lamb could become normal.

The scientists are currently developing a burger which will be grown from 10,000 stem cells extracted from cattle, which are then left in the lab to multiply more than a billion times to produce muscle tissue similar to beef.

The product is called 'in vitro' meat.

Mark Post, professor of physiology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, who is behind the project, said: 'I don't see any way you could rely on old-fashioned livestock in the coming decades.

'In vitro meat will be the only choice left.

'We are trying to prove to the world we can make a product out of this, and we need a courageous person who is willing to be the first to taste it.

To read more, visit:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2008347/Test-tube-burger-coming-soon-Lab-grown-meat-needed-feed-world.html

Bachmann Stresses Iowa Roots As She Launches Presidential Bid

Posted: 27 Jun 2011 08:58 AM PDT

By Craig Robinson, The Iowa Republican

It seemed only fitting that Michele Bachmann held her "Welcome Home" event in a historic dancehall named Electric Park. Bachmann, who officially announced her candidacy for president this morning in Waterloo, was electric last night when speaking to residents of her hometown.

Over 500 people filled the ballroom where Bachmann's parents used to dance. The facility is located on the grounds of Waterloo's National Cattle Congress, a place which Bachmann looked forward to visiting every summer as a child.

She kept her remarks focused on her time in Waterloo. As she would mention the hospital she was born in, one of the two churches her family belonged to, or the elementary school she attended, many of those in attendance could be seen nodding their heads, signifying that they shared a similar background with the now presidential candidate.

There is no sign announcing that Waterloo is the birthplace of Michele Bachmann, but after last night, there might be an effort to erect one. If any one doubted her Iowa roots, she made it abundantly clear that Iowa is her home. Even though last night's event was the first time she has visited her hometown since she began flirting with a presidential run, Bachmann drew a big crowd and connected with most of those present.

The only mention of Obamacare last night came from Jason Lewis, a conservative radio show host from Minnesota, who also has Waterloo roots. Bachmann brought up President Obama a couple of times. She said that President Bachmann would retire the presidential teleprompters, and then later asked for people's support so that President Obama will be a one term president. The crowd ate it up.

To read more, visit:  http://theiowarepublican.com/home/2011/06/27/bachmann-stresses-iowa-roots-as-she-launches-presidential-bid/

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