Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Trump Unplugged

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 09:27 AM PDT

by Jason Mattera, Human Events

[Editor's note: These are uncut excerpts from HUMAN EVENTS's interview with Donald Trump on culture, politics, and his potential run for the presidency.]

Trump on South Korea

This country has become a whipping post, an absolute whipping post. And on top of all that we signed a terrible trade agreement that South Korea didn't even want to sign, they wanted to make it better. And until North Korea lobbed a couple of bombs onto their land they weren't going to sign that agreement at great embarrassment to the President after it was negotiated.

Trump on the budget

Something has to be done, but what I really would be strongly in favor of is having countries that are ripping us off contribute hundreds of billions of dollars back into this economy, and you wouldn't have to worry so much about cutting too much out of the budget.

Trump on the Supreme Court Justice he most admires

I don't think I want to get into that at this moment, I think it's a little too soon to get into that. I'll be answering questions such as that if I decide to run. I have to tell you, I know numerous of the Justices and I don't want to insult any of them to be honest with you by saying that I particularly admire one. There is one that I admire very much, but I don't want to insult anybody by discussing the one I most admire because I know a number of them.

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Radio talker Joyce Kaufman may run for Congress

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 09:19 AM PDT

By Anthony Man, Sun Sentinel

Radio talk show host Joyce Kaufman is "seriously considering" running for Congress.

She wouldn't say much more about her plans Wednesday night after a political gathering in Coral Springs, where she tantalized the crowd about the possibility.

Kaufman, 57, is an independent, registered with no party affiliation. But she's a favorite of conservative Republicans and enjoys a strong following among people in the tea party movement. She described herself as a "straight, evangelical, Hispanic with a Jewish heritage."

Kaufman is heard throughout South Florida as the noon to 3 p.m. weekday talk show host WFTL-AM 850.

During the 2010 campaign cycle, she was intimately involved in U.S. Rep. Allen West's successful campaign, frequently introducing him on the campaign trail. After the election, West picked Kaufman as his chief of staff.

But that idea imploded after she was savaged by the left on MSNBC for a campaign season Internet video that showed her attempting to fire up a tea party rally with the line, "if ballots don't work, bullets will." Kaufman's supporters said the comment was taken out of context.

Wednesday night, appearing as the warm up speaker for about 60 people gathered to hear presidential candidate Herman Cain – who also has a strong tea party following – Kaufman said she's been politically busy this year.

"I've been running around Broward County, Palm Beach County and Dade County, because apparently since I was so instrumental, according to the newest congressman from Congressional District 22 [West] in getting him elected, everybody wants me to get them elected now.

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