Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Bachmann plans trip to N.H. to meet with Tea Party leaders

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:41 PM PDT

By Derek Wallbank,

WASHINGTON — Rep. Michele Bachmann is scheduled to visit New Hampshire early next week to meet with Tea Party leaders there, according to multiple reports, though as of now she doesn’t have any public events scheduled.

While there, she’ll meet privately in the Seacoast area with a group of about 30 Tea Party leaders, including Andrew Hemingway, head of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and talk radio host Jeff Chidester. The news was first reported by the New Hampshire Union Leader’s John DiStaso, as well as by Real Clear Politics.

Bachmann is scheduled to be back in New Hampshire for a very public event on the 29th of April, when she and Tim Pawlenty will both be at a presidential cattle call on “spending and job creation,” sponsored by Americans for Prosperity — New Hampshire. It will be the first time the pair have appeared at the same event as presidential aspirants in an early primary state.


Tea Party fights Mich. town’s banner ban

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:37 PM PDT


COLDWATER, Mich. — The city attorney for Coldwater. Mich., says he hopes the Tea Party’s lawsuit challenging a ban on banners in city parks can be settled out of court.

Common Sense Patriots of Branch County sued in federal court in Grand Rapids last week, contending the resolution passed by the Coldwater City Council last November violated the constitutional right to free speech.

The resolution was a response to complaints city officials had received about a banner the Tea Party group hoisted in a downtown park last summer to promote its rallies.

City Attorney John Hutchinson says the measure was meant to address signs and banners tacked to or hung from poles or other public property, not those being held by someone, WTVB-AM, Coldwater, reported Tuesday.

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Boehner Played Both Sides to Get Budget Approved

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:32 PM PDT

By Dave Wade, Daily Political

Political analysts state that Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had to play the Tea Party against the democrats in order to have the spending cuts approved with last's week's budget deal. With the victory, he gains more ground that he would use to push for more spending cuts.

The Tea Party helped Boehner gain his current position as Speaker of the House. He used the activists' influence to make the Democrats accept the $38 billion in spending cuts for the remaining months of the fiscal year and prevent a government shutdown.

This move made the critics question his leadership but Boehner managed to calm the Tea Party members when he showed that he can stand up against President Obama and ask for more cuts in the 2012 budget.

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A Movie For The Tea Party Movement

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:29 PM PDT

By Matt Kibbe,

In recent years Tax Day has become both a symbolic and literal focal point for the tea party. The day represents wasteful and irresponsible government spending habits, overreaching federal control of the economy, and a near system-wide disregard for the foundational values of individual responsibility and personal freedom. This Tax Day that connection is intensified with the release of "Atlas Shrugged Part 1," the much-anticipated film adaptation of Ayn Rand's seminal novel.

The similarities between "Atlas Shrugged" and the tea party movement are far more significant than a shared date, however. "Atlas Shrugged" and another Rand novel, "The Fountainhead," inspired me to get involved in the tea party movement, as they have inspired countless others to do the same. At its essence, the story of "Atlas Shrugged" reflects the ethos of the Tea Party.

The book and the movement share a common faith in supremacy of individual liberty and the importance of limited government. Both recognize, as leaders like Ronald Reagan did, that great American thinkers and entrepreneurs–not government bureaucrats–are the driving forces of American exceptionalism.

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More than 350 people with suspected ties to terrorist groups stopped from boarding U.S.-bound flights in two years

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:22 PM PDT

From Daily Mail

The U.S. government has prevented more than 350 people suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups from boarding U.S.-bound flights, it has emerged.

Stricter security rules put in place after the attempted Christmas Day attack in 2009 tightened gaps that had persisted for more than seven years after the September 11 atrocities.

Until then, even as commercial passengers were forced to remove their shoes, limit the amount of shampoo in their hand luggage and endure pat downs, hundreds of foreigners with known or suspected ties to terrorism passed through security and successfully flew to the U.S. each year.

Security practices changed after an admitted Al Qaeda operative from Nigeria, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was accused of trying to blow himself up on a flight to Detroit.
Previously, airlines only kept passengers off U.S.-bound planes if they were on the no-fly list, a list of people considered a threat to aviation.

Now before an international flight leaves for the U.S., the government checks passengers against a larger watch list that includes Al Qaeda financiers and people who attended training camps but are not considered threats to planes.

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Infra-red camera scheme put on hold over privacy concerns

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:19 PM PDT

From Daily Mail

A project in Boston designed to educate home owners about energy efficiency has been put on hold due to privacy concerns.

The city was due to have a number of infrared cameras installed that would take aerial and street-level photos across approximately four miles in order to show heat loss in homes during the winter months.

Boston officials planned on sharing the photos and analysis with home owners and were hoping the findings would increase enrolment in efficiency programs and also create business opportunities.

The cameras were similar to the van-mounted cameras that take street view photos for Google maps and were built by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Besides just helping the average consumer, it was thought the technology offered by a company called Sagewell, could benefit larger groups, businesses and cities that want to save energy and money.

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Illinois House Approves Bill Keeping Names of Gun Owners Private

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 04:13 PM PDT

By Judson Berger,

The Illinois House has approved a bill that would keep private the names of state gun owners, as lawmakers battle to prevent the attorney general from opening up those files to the public.

The bill passed Friday on a 98-12 vote and heads next to the Senate. It was drafted in response to opinions from state Attorney General Lisa Madigan saying the state police should release the official list identifying all firearm permit holders in response to a reporter’s Freedom of Information Act request.

Madigan’s office has argued that there is a “public interest” in releasing the information, citing the example of an individual who may have become ineligible to carry. Her staff has argued the public interest outweighs any privacy concerns and instructed the records to be released.

However, the state police, who safeguard that information, have resisted, and some lawmakers have tried to change the law so they won’t have to comply.

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