Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

For Heritage, a new cup of tea?

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 11:46 AM PDT


For decades, The Heritage Foundation has relied on an old-fashioned sort of Washington influence — the staid, soft-power prestige that comes from cranking out conservative white papers for Republican staffers and lawmakers to tout.

And in turn, deep-pocketed institutional funders on the right have long directed their philanthropy to Heritage, which has focused on winning the battle of ideas with battalions of senior fellows, congressional testimony and panel discussions for Washington insiders.

But the surge in grass-roots activism linked to the tea party movement has shaken up the conventional order, leading some conservative donors to look beyond Heritage for more activist-oriented groups to which they can write big checks.

Now Heritage is racing to keep up with the times.

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Tea Party group sponsors NASCAR ‘We the People’ truck through 2012

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 11:40 AM PDT

By Steven Nelson, The Daily Caller

Tea Party supporters can now root for their cause on the racetrack. has announced that a NASCAR vehicle will be sponsored by the organization.

Chris Lafferty's #89 truck will be known as "We the People's" through the 2012 election.

Bill Wallace, the coach and general manager of Lafferty Motorsports LLC, wrote in a letter posted on that the sponsorship will be funded with donations. Part of the donations made to TeaPartyRacing will go to Lafferty's team, part to, an affiliate of, states that, "as a dynamic and patriotic race team,, attracts fans from all walks of life through participation in NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Events."

Todd Cefaretti of said in a statement to The Hill that his organization will make money from the sponsorship.

"Over 50 percent on average of the money that is raised from sponsors for the racing team will be donated to to be used to advance the Tea Party movement even more," according to Cefaretti.

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West forms federal ‘Guardian Leadership PAC’

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 11:36 AM PDT

By George Bennet, Palm Beach Post

He’s already a platinum YouTube star, Internet traffic generator and cable TV mainstay. Now freshman U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, has formed a federal “leadership PAC” that could come in handy if he wants to lift his national profile any higher.

Leadership PACs allow members of Congress – including the three other members of Palm Beach County’s congressional delegation – to raise money at up to $5,000 a pop and distribute contributions to other candidates.

The committees are often used by those with leadership ambitions to curry favor with colleagues. On his way to becoming House speaker, Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, used his PAC to hand out $4 million to GOP candidates over the last four election cycles.

The PACs are also useful for officials eyeing higher office. Rookie Illinois Sen. Barack Obama formed his Hopefund PAC a few weeks after taking office in 2005. By the time the 2006 elections were over, Obama’s PAC had raised and spent more than $3.7 million – doling out more than $700,000 to Democratic candidates and party organs around the nation, spending about $200,000 on travel and more than $1 million to build a fund-raising network that would help him win the presidency two years later.

Most leadership PACs operate on a much smaller scale. U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Miramar, raised $69,000 and spent about $45,000 through his PAC over four years. U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Tequesta, raised and spent less than $20,000 with his PAC for the 2010 elections.

U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, formed Together Electing Democrats PAC (TEDPAC) shortly after winning a special election last year and spent about $32,000 on 2010 races.

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Levin takes on Ron Paul supporters: ‘I promise you his followers are the biggest a-holes of them all’

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 11:27 AM PDT

By Jeff Poor, The Daily Caller

There's no doubt that 2008 Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has some dedicated followers, and they're especially ambitious in using the Internet to spread their message.

But that isn't necessarily appealing according to conservative talk host Mark Levin. On his Monday program, Levin said his staff has had some run-ins on his Facebook page and other social networking sites.

"Truth be told, I'm not the administrator of my social sites, but I back the administrator," Levin said. "See, what happens folks is sometimes we get into these little discussions and the word goes out – flood the Facebook site or whatever – through bloggers, through people who think by this kind of mob mentality, they're going to persuade people. They don't persuade anybody of anything. They annoy people and so the administrator has to clean out a bunch of them, particularly when they get into their hate modes. They keep linking back to other sites, which are intending to increase the hits on those other sites."

Those engaging in this "obnoxious" behavior tend to be the followers of Paul, according to Levin.

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Budget Talks Sour, Dems Blame Tea Party for Stalemate as Deadline Looms

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 11:24 AM PDT


The Capitol Hill rhetoric reached new levels of ugliness Tuesday as negotiations over some semblance of a federal budget gave way to finger-pointing, with Democrats blaming Tea Party freshmen for a potential government shutdown and Republicans calling those claims a fantasy.

Over the past few days, Democrats have pounded the argument that Congress would have been able to work out a budget deal long ago if not for the extreme demands of Tea Party-aligned lawmakers.

Congress has until April 8, the expiration date for the current short-term budget, to craft either another stopgap or a more substantive budget that lasts through the end of fiscal 2011, or face a partial Washington shutdown.

Hopes were relatively high last week that such a coming-together could happen, but lawmakers on both sides made clear Tuesday they’ve made scant progress.

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