Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party |
- Bank of America to Charge $5 Debit Card Fee
- Al-Awlaki, U.S.-Born Cleric Linked To Al-Qaida, Is Dead, U.S. And Yemen Say
- Darpa Underwear Will ‘Harvest’ Soldiers’ Energy, Give Them Killer Abs
- Mail Worker Union Goes Postal on Tea Party
- Poll: Ron Paul v Obama a dead heat in Fla.
- ‘New’ Virus Catches CDC’s Eye
- Teacher penalizes students for saying “bless you”
- Recent Gold Takedown A Form of Economic Warfare
- Tea party groups share views but don’t work together
- Major tea party group backs Lugar challenger
Bank of America to Charge $5 Debit Card Fee Posted: 30 Sep 2011 07:55 AM PDT Bank of America Corp plans to charge customers who use their debit cards to make purchases a $5 monthly fee beginning early next year, joining other banks scrambling for new sources of revenue. U.S. banks have been looking for ways to increase revenue as regulations introduced since the financial crisis limited the use of overdraft and other fees. The Dodd-Frank Act’s Durbin amendment, due to go into effect on Oct. 1, caps fees banks can charge merchants for processing debit card transactions at 21 cents per transaction from an average of 44 cents, potentially costing banks billions of dollars. Banks also face broader operational challenges as low interest rates and higher capital requirements hit profitability, and the sluggish economy depresses loan demand. To read more, visit: http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2011/09/29/bank-america-to-charge-debit-card-use-fee/ |
Al-Awlaki, U.S.-Born Cleric Linked To Al-Qaida, Is Dead, U.S. And Yemen Say Posted: 30 Sep 2011 07:51 AM PDT Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born Muslim cleric who in recent years became a spokesman known worldwide for his championing of al-Qaida’s arm in Yemen and who was on a list of suspected terrorists U.S. forces had been authorized to kill, is dead, authorities in the U.S. and Yemen say. Word of his death came early this morning when, as The Associated Press reported, Yemen’s Defense Ministry announced the news. In the hours since, officials have told news outlets that it was a U.S. operation — involving a drone and jets — that killed al-Awlaki. “The 40-year-old al-Awlaki” the AP adds, “is believed to have inspired and even plotted or helped coordinate some of the recent attacks on the U.S., including the failed Christmas Day 2009 bombing of an airliner heading for Detroit, Mich., and the also unsuccessful plot to send mail bombs on planes from Yemen to the United States in October.” To read more, visit: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/09/30/140945123/yemen-says-al-awlaki-al-qaidas-english-speaking-voice-is-dead |
Darpa Underwear Will ‘Harvest’ Soldiers’ Energy, Give Them Killer Abs Posted: 30 Sep 2011 07:47 AM PDT By Mark Riffee, Wired.com Soldiers: Your underwear of the future will do more than prevent crotch rot. It'll protect you from injuries, monitor your vitals, and even "harvest" your energy. That is, if a new project from Darpa's Defense Sciences Office works out as planned. That's an illustration, to the right, of what Darpa thinks its "Warrior Web" onesie might look like. So far, the project is still in the draw-a-cartoon-with-a-six-pack-in-tights stage — a long way off from the "adaptive, compliant, nearly transparent, quasi-active joint support suit," which can "mitigate musculoskeletal injury caused by discrete dynamic events while maintaining soldier performance," dreamed up by Darpa. An introductory meeting of potential researchers is set for mid-October. Musculoskeletal injuries (a blanket term for anything from pain caused by overuse to stress fractures and joint derangements) are a real problem in the military. According to a 2010 study, there were 743,547 injury-related musculoskeletal conditions amongst military personnel in 2006. In 2004, 44 percent of military fatalities resulted from unintentional injuries. These Achilles tendon strains, torn meniscuses, and sore labrums slow our soldiers down, rendering them less effective and placing them in more danger. To read more, visit: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/09/darpa-underwear/ |
Mail Worker Union Goes Postal on Tea Party Posted: 30 Sep 2011 07:35 AM PDT By Matthew Boyle – The Daily Caller In what appears to be an attempt to overwhelm their critics, postal union members have sent more than 100 pounds of mail to a tea party group advocating for United States Postal Service reform. Donna Wiesner Keene of TheTeaParty.net told The Daily Caller the group receives its mail weekly, and that the onslaught so far has spanned two weeks. The first week, she said the union workers sent approximately 700 letters and delivered them in a box weighing 57 pounds. Then, this week, Keene said the workers doubled down on their efforts, bringing the total weight of the mail her group received to over 110 pounds. "I find the idea of the unions attacking a tea party group for simply supporting a bill that would make our whole country more efficient and that would lower the cost of the taxpayers' yearly contributions to an inefficient agency, is just outrageous," Keene said in a phone interview. "These union people need to be doing their jobs in the most efficient manner, and the Post Office needs to be losing people by attrition but doing a really good job of delivering our mail." "So, if they have time to write letters attacking a tea party group for supporting legislation, then they probably have time to have six-day delivery of the mail," Keene added. To read more, visit: http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/30/going-postal-mail-worker-unions-overload-tea-party-group-with-more-than-100-pounds-of-mail/ |
Poll: Ron Paul v Obama a dead heat in Fla. Posted: 30 Sep 2011 02:00 AM PDT By Joel Gehrke, The Washington Examiner Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning polling firm, shows Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., trailing President Obama by a mere one point in their latest poll of Florida voters. Obama has a 56 percent disapproval rating in the swing state. PPP shows Paul trailing Obama 45-44 in a hypothetical general election match-up, while Romney lags Obama by the same margin, 46-45. Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, has a 7 point deficit on the president, 50-43 – likely because 63% of voters polled disagree with his characterization of Social Security as a Ponzi scheme. That said, PPP made a point of noting that Perry’s deficit to Obama recalls Dewey’s loss to President Truman, which might say as much about how PPP wants Republican voters to see Perry as it does about Perry’s chances in this election. To read more, visit: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/poll-ron-paul-v-obama-dead-heat-fla |
Posted: 30 Sep 2011 02:00 AM PDT By Maggie Fox, National Journal It's not a new virus, but doctors need to keep an eye out for one that's not usually on the radar screen, federal health officials said on Thursday. It's called human enterovirus 68, or HEV68, and it can cause an unusually severe type of cold that can even kill in some cases. The virus has been around for decades, but for some reason it's been causing clusters of serious illness over the past three years, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. Three people, two in the Philippines and one in Japan, died from an HEV68 outbreak during 2008-2010, CDC and other scientists report in this week's newsletter on illness and death. There were also several clusters of the virus outbreak in the United States that sent batches of patients to the hospital, including in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. "HEV68 is not new, but clusters involving large numbers of people with this virus are a recent phenomenon. This may be due in part to improved respiratory diagnostics; however, long-term surveillance at some sites showed that HEV68 was an unusual cause of respiratory illness in other years," according to the CDC report. To read more, visit: http://www.nationaljournal.com/healthcare/-new-virus-catches-cdc-s-eye-20110929 |
Teacher penalizes students for saying “bless you” Posted: 30 Sep 2011 02:00 AM PDT FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — A Northern California teacher says he doesn’t want to hear a common courtesy in his classroom. He’s even lowering students’ grades if they say “bless you” after someone sneezes. Steve Cuckovich says the practice is disrespectful and disruptive. He’s banned saying “bless you” in his high school health class in Vacaville. He even knocked 25 points from one student’s grade for saying the phrase in class. Cuckovich says the policy has nothing to do with religion, but says the phrase is just a outdated practice and disrupts class time. To read more, visit: http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=news/state&id=8372183 |
Recent Gold Takedown A Form of Economic Warfare Posted: 29 Sep 2011 07:38 AM PDT By Bob Chapman, InfoWars.com The takedown of gold and silver markets over the past two weeks signified a new milestone in corruption, brazenness, arrogance and it reveals the level of evil control behind our government. This past week, in just one week, saw gold fall almost $200 and silver about $10.00. We have been involved in gold and silver for 53 years and the only event that comes close to this was October 19, 1987, when we witnessed the Bank of England sell down gold $100.00 under the orders of the Fed and the US Treasury, which borrowed the gold from the IMF. That was illegal, but that means little to the Illuminists who do as they please. Today thanks to Ronald Reagan we have the "President's Working Group on Financial Markets," which has legitimatized corruption to conform to the Keynesian model of corporatist fascism. After the close on Friday we were informed, that the CME, which controls the Comex, had raised margin requirements on gold by 21%, silver 16% and in copper by 18%. In retrospect it is obvious that many banking insiders and traders knew early in the week that this momentous psychological warfare was going to be unleashed on these markets. Your government definitely rigged these markets. Today in America and many other places as well, crime pays. What has been done to investors over this past week is not only a crime, but also a disgrace to all Americans. Let us now look at the flipside. All is not lost, because there is a limit to the damage that can be done. The paper attack on gold was concentrated and accomplished by using futures, options and derivatives. Thus far there is no evidence of any major sales of gold or silver. This in the past has generated very short terms of suppression. The fundamentals have not changed one bit and if anything they are stronger than ever. The world is in the midst of financial collapse. It could take a few months to fall or several years. We do not have a presence behind the scenes, but we do know history and we know what these criminals are up too and what the end game is and that is world government. We have to back into time sequence. That has thus far been enough to help us to make excellent calls. The call this time is we are approaching another bottom. A bottom that probably won't be seen again. Major buyers of gold and silver have to be waiting with open arms for such a great opportunity to purchase both metals at bargain basement prices. There are sovereigns who are loaded with US dollars, who have been waiting for just such an opportunity to sell them into a strong dollar market to purchase inexpensive gold and silver. Today's market is totally different than the gold and silver markets of just two years ago. Big players are big buyers. Prior to that the opposite was true as sovereigns were sellers year after year, and both were transferred from weak to stronger hands. The monetary and fiscal situations in Europe, the UK and US are in a shambles. The privately owned Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the European central bank have all lost credibility. Just look at the reception "Operation Twist" received – bonds rose and the stock market was hit by a typhoon. The Fed has lost its credibility in the investment arena worldwide, because of forced compromise to existing problems. The fed simply didn't have the guts to implement a QE 3. If the Fed is not quickly forthcoming with a new plan the Dow could fall thousands of points. The damage to gold and silver is already in the history books and the turn back up is already taking place. No matter what the powers that be do they cannot for any period of time control gold and silver prices. There are too many buyers who want to dump fiat currencies. Under the circumstances the Twist was the wrong choice at the wrong time. Financial professionals worldwide believe it is a joke. They see the lack of proper action, the activation for events for more damaging then those of 2008 and if something doesn't happen this week markets and economies are doomed. The elitists knew this and that is why they attacked gold, silver and commodities. This was so investors would think it was a general overall retreat not a reflection of Fed incompetence. Their fall had nothing to do with reality and everything to do with smoke and mirrors. This should not surprise anyone. It has been used over and over again by the gold and silver suppression cartel. To read more, visit: http://www.infowars.com/recent-gold-takedown-a-form-of-economic-warfare/ |
Tea party groups share views but don’t work together Posted: 29 Sep 2011 07:33 AM PDT
WASHINGTON — Without question, the tea party movement has more passion and energy than any other force in American politics today. But it also has no coherent central organization or plan, raising questions about its potential impact on the 2012 elections. “They are the most powerful emotional force in American politics,” said Bruce Buchanan, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, “but they’re disorganized and have no long-term strategy.” Tea party loyalists proudly concede that they’re a diffuse, diverse bunch who are bound by a commitment to smaller, less intrusive government. They abhor government authority that’s too big and dictatorial. They even recoil at the notion of any hierarchical structure controlling their own effort. “That’s part of the beauty of the movement,” said Vincent Harris, a Republican consultant who’s also based in Austin. There are three prominent national organizations that pledge allegiance to the tea party _Tea Party Express, Tea Party Nation and Tea Party Patriots — as well as dozens of local groups that may or may not be affiliated with any of them. There’s little evidence that these groups want to band together to elect like-minded candidates. They seem to include too many folks like Jeff Luecke, a co-organizer of the Dubuque (Iowa) Tea Party. “We don’t follow any of those national groups,” he said. “We like the fact that we’re not taking orders.” Tea Party Nation is headed by Judson Phillips, 52, a Nashville lawyer who grew increasingly unhappy with President George W. Bush. The 2003 Medicare prescription-drug benefit, Phillips said, was a budget-buster. When the GOP nominated John McCain, whom Phillips saw as too eager to work with Democrats, as its presidential candidate in 2008, Phillips was steamed. To read more, visit: |
Major tea party group backs Lugar challenger Posted: 29 Sep 2011 07:26 AM PDT By Paul Steinhauser, CNN A leading national tea party group Thursday will endorse a conservative candidate who is primary challenging longtime Republican Sen. Dick Lugar of Indiana. CNN’s learned that the Tea Party Express will endorse state Treasurer Richard Mourdock at a news conference in Indiana. “Over the years, Senator Lugar has repeatedly failed to address the fiscal crisis facing our country – voting for more wasteful spending and growth of government at every opportunity. At the same time, he has treated the Tea Party – one of the most impactful political movements in decades – with contempt and disdain,” says Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer, in a statement obtained by CNN. “Our decision to endorse Richard Mourdock for Senate was easy. Unlike Lugar, he believes in fiscal responsibility and accountability. He supports a government bound by the limits of the Constitution, and has an impressive record of fighting for conservative ideals.” The endorsement from the Tea Party Express comes less than one week after Mourdock won the backing from 55 local tea party groups from across Indiana, at a convention held last weekend by an organization called Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate. A spokesman for Lugar downplayed the influence the endorsement might have in the race. “This is no news for the campaign that an outside-of-Indiana organization would like to come in and influence what the voters of Indiana think, and should think,” Lugar’s political director David Willkie said Wednesday. To read more, visit: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/28/first-on-cnn-major-tea-party-group-backs-lugar-challenger/ |
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