Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Female Blogger Threatened With Defamation Suit For Blogging About TSA ‘Rape’

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:47 PM PDT

By Kashmir Hill, Forbes

Attacking the TSA for its privacy-invasive screening procedures has become a favorite activity for many journalists, especially Matt Drudge. TSA horror stories are often featured prominently on The Drudge Report and he has taken to calling Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (of which the TSA is a part) "Big Sis."

Napolitano, who doesn't think Drudge "means [the nickname] kindly" said at a recent Politico event that Drudge is wrong in describing DHS programs as Orwellian and that "the privacy impact of new airport screening technology and similar programs are thoroughly vetted before they are implemented," in Josh Gerstein's words.

"We want to be conscious of civil liberties and civil rights protections—and we are," Napolitano said, as reported by Politico.

On the same day as this piece came out, TechDirt reports on a passenger who would likely disagree with the Secretary. After a particularly aggressive patdown in March that might be better described as a feel-up, advice blogger Amy Alkon graphically described how she sobbed loudly while a TSA agent put her hands "into" her — four times. She screamed "You raped me" after the LAX patdown and took the agent's name with plans to file charges of sexual assault. Those plans fell through after consulting an attorney, but she did blog about it and included the agent's name, thereby inflicting her own assault — on the agent's Google search results.

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One Sperm Donor, 150 Offspring

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:44 PM PDT

By JACQUELINE MROZ, The New York Times

Cynthia Daily and her partner used a sperm donor to conceive a baby seven years ago, and they hoped that one day their son would get to know some of his half siblings — an extended family of sorts for modern times.

So Ms. Daily searched a Web-based registry for other children fathered by the same donor and helped to create an online group to track them. Over the years, she watched the number of children in her son's group grow.

And grow.

Today there are 150 children, all conceived with sperm from one donor, in this group of half siblings, and more are on the way. "It's wild when we see them all together — they all look alike," said Ms. Daily, 48, a social worker in the Washington area who sometimes vacations with other families in her son's group.

As more women choose to have babies on their own, and the number of children born through artificial insemination increases, outsize groups of donor siblings are starting to appear. While Ms. Daily's group is among the largest, many others comprising 50 or more half siblings are cropping up on Web sites and in chat groups, where sperm donors are tagged with unique identifying numbers.

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Obama Mulls Tax Cuts Beyond Republican Plans

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:41 PM PDT

By Hans Nichols and Margaret Talev,

President Barack Obama may press Congress for tax cuts that would exceed his past proposals as well as some of the offerings from House Republicans to strengthen his hand in talks on measures to boost the U.S. economy, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

With Obama set to lay out his plans in a Sept. 8 address to Congress, the administration is focusing on cuts targeted at middle-income Americans to spur consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of the economy, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

In a speech to a union crowd in Detroit yesterday, Obama said he would challenge Republicans on taxes.

"You say you're the party of tax cuts?" Obama said before the annual Metro Detroit Central Labor Council rally. "Well then, prove you'll fight just as hard for tax cuts for middle- class families as you do for oil companies and the most affluent Americans."

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Top Fed Official: More Easing Likely Unwarranted

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:39 PM PDT

By Reuters,

A top Federal Reserve official who opposed the U.S. central bank’s move last month to ease monetary policy signaled Tuesday he may balk again if fellow policymakers opt for still more stimulus this month.

“The data in August did not justify the additional accommodation provided at that meeting,”

Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Narayana Kocherlakota said in remarks prepared for delivery at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. “It is unlikely that the data in September will warrant adding still more accommodation.”

The central bank, responding to signs that the U.S. recovery was faltering, last month eased its already super-loose monetary policy further with a promise to keep interest rates extraordinarily low through mid-2013.

Fed policymakers meet again in two weeks, where they are expected to discuss what further options there might be to support the economy further.

Short-term rates have been near zero since December 2008, and the Fed had already promised to keep them there for an “extended period.” The central bank has also bought $2.3 trillion in long-term securities to lower borrowing costs further.

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Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter “Tea Party Zombies” Like Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:24 PM PDT

By Stephen Gutowski,

Controversial online video game “Tea Party Zombies Must Die” allows players to slaughter Tea Partiers and famous conservatives with a variety of weapons. The graphic, offensive, and violent game was created by StarvingEyes Advergaming but does not have any obvious connection to or advertisement for any other group.

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Flag, and controversy, hits Georgia highways

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:20 PM PDT

By April Hunt, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Southern battle colors are flying again, this time as part of an effort to unfurl huge Confederate flags along Georgia's interstates.

Among the three flags that have gone up so far is a car dealership-sized Southern Cross north of Tifton that measures 30-by-50 feet. Two others are in north Georgia.

"We want to remind people of who they are and where they came from," said Jack Bridwell, the division commander of state chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which is paying for the flags. "Being Southern is nothing to be ashamed of."

None of the flags fly in metro Atlanta, though Bridwell said the group is actively looking to buy a site along the highway or sign a long-term lease.

Even without the Southern Cross flapping at Downtown Connector commuters, what organizers see as a way to honor soldiers during the 150th anniversary of the Civil War has nonetheless revived the debate over the history of the war and slavery's role in it.

What has changed in that discussion, though, appears to be who has the upper hand.

Georgia added the Stars and Bars to its state flag in 1956 as an overt symbol of white supremacy at a time when civil rights for racial minorities began to become a national issue, said Gordon Jones, the senior military historian at the Atlanta History Center.

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Napolitano Confronts Drudge Report over ‘Orwellian…Big Sis’ View

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:17 PM PDT

By Jason Ryan, ABC News

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Matt Drudge is "just wrong" for dubbing her "Big Sis" on his Drudge Report website, and defended DHS's efforts to respect people's civil liberties while protecting against terrorist attacks.

"I don't think he means it kindly," Napolitano said, when asked about the nickname today during an event sponsored by Politico. "I think that what he means is that we are watching too much; kind of an Orwellian view. And he's just wrong."

Although Homeland Security does have a vast intelligence architecture at Customs and Border Protection, TSA, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Coast Guard and Secret Service, Napolitano dismissed any privacy concerns.

"We're always striking that balance," between security and liberty, Napolitano said.

While programs such as US-VISIT collect biometric fingerprint information and pictures of certain international travelers and DHS runs airline passenger name and booking information (Passenger name Records) through watch lists and other databases, Napolitano said, "We don't do anything without running it through our own civil rights and privacy office."

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Bellevue v. Bloomberg: NYC shootings another gun control failure

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:14 PM PDT

By Dave Workman, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner

Labor Day weekend in New York City saw 46 people get shot, one of them fatally, and now the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the casualty count amounts to "a pitiful demonstration of the abject failure of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun policies."

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb issued a statement early Tuesday morning that rakes Bloomberg, and New York gun laws, over the proverbial coals. He did not mince words:

"Mayor Bloomberg has advocated New York-style gun control for everyone, everywhere. After this weekend, Bloomberg is going to have a hard time pandering his gun control agenda."

One of the shooting incidents occurred near where Bloomberg was marching in a Brooklyn parade. It is not clear why the suspect, who was apprehended, started shooting.

While Bloomberg, who co-founded Mayors Against Illegal Guns, will undoubtedly use the bloody weekend as a launch vehicle for a new round of gun control rhetoric, it may be a good time to ask the mayor why he thinks new gun restrictions will stop shootings, when existing laws against homicide, assault with firearms and illegally packing guns in the Big Apple did not prevent a single incident. Gottlieb seems to have that one already figured out, however:

"New York's mayor is the Pied Piper of Prohibition. Nearly four dozen shootings over a three-day weekend is proof positive that Bloomberg's tune is seriously off-key. It is time for Mayor Bloomberg and other gun control extremists to admit that their strategies have failed. He has been running around the country blaming gun laws in other states for his city's crime problems, but it is the laws of his own jurisdiction that have failed miserably, and he knows it."

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First Amendment victory for citizen journalists

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 03:07 PM PDT

By Jason Stverak -The Washington Times

In a landmark decision, a federal court ruled last week that recording public officials, including police officers, is protected by the First Amendment. This decision, which may outrage law enforcement officials and members of Congress, is one of the first federal court decisions that brings the First Amendment into the Internet age.

This case emerged from separate incidents in which private citizens usedpersonal video cameras or cellphones to capture alleged police brutality.

The first occurred when Khaliah Fitchette, a New Jersey teenager, boarded a bus in Newark. As she waited for the bus to depart, two police officers boarded the bus to forcefully remove a drunken passenger. Ms. Fitchette began taping the police officers and refused to quit upon officer request. She was arrested and detained while the police deleted her footage. No charges were filed against Ms. Fitchette, but she filed a lawsuit against the Newark Police Department with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey.

The second incident occurred in Boston when Simon Glik pulled out his cellphone to tape police officers punching a man on the street. An officer asked Mr. Glik if he was recording audio. When Mr. Glik admitted that he was, the officer arrested him for violating the state's wiretap law. He also was charged with disturbing the peace and aiding the escape of a prisoner. The charges were dropped eventually because of lack of merit, but Mr. Glik joined the ACLU lawsuit, claiming his free-speech rights had been violated.

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In N.H., Romney, Palin show differing Tea Party approaches

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 02:56 PM PDT

By Glen Johnson, Boston Globe

In politics, one of the most excruciating tasks is known as the grip-and-grin.

A candidate of any stripe and at any level will pose for a photo with a supporter, extending a firm handshake, exchanging a perfunctory hello, and giving a forced grin for an obligatory snapshot that is sent to the supporter as a memento of the occasion.

Mitt Romney did the equivalent with his Tea Party appearance on Sunday.

Sarah Palin did the opposite when she addressed movement members a day later.

Yet despite the difference in emotional intensity, Palin exhibited a moment of political maturity when she urged the pivotal GOP voting group not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good, suggesting that discarding an awkward suitor such as Romney could cost the movement a chance to achieve its broader goals.

In so doing, the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee, now earning millions she likely never dreamed about less than four years ago, showed she may have more impact as party kingmaker than as a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination during the 2012 election cycle.

Romney was circumspect about addressing supporters of the Tea Party Express this Labor Day weekend and didn't firm up his plans until the precipitous rise of rival Rick Perry. It has forced the former Massachusetts governor to abandon his make-no-waves campaign strategy.

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