Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Ron Paul campaign raises $4.5 million in second quarter

Posted: 02 Jul 2011 07:25 AM PDT

By Jason McLure, Reuters

Long-shot Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul raised more than $4.5 million in the second quarter, giving the Texas congressman breathing room to continue his bid for his party’s 2012 nomination, Paul campaign officials said on Friday.

Paul, a favorite of Tea Party fiscal conservatives, was well behind the prodigious $15 million to $20 million raised by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in the same period. But aides said Paul pulled in far more than he had for the same period during his failed 2008 presidential campaign.

Not all candidates in the Republican field have announced figures for their latest round of fundraising but Paul’s take topped that of former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who said he raised $4.2 million.

Unlike early front-runner Romney, who has tapped into a Rolodex rich with Wall Street and financial industry contacts, donations to Paul’s campaign typically come in small amounts.

Paul, an anti-war libertarian, is focusing his campaign efforts on New Hampshire and Iowa to broaden his following beyond his core of energetic supporters. Paul finished fifth in the 2008 New Hampshire primary with 8 percent of the vote.

Paul, who is making his third presidential try, made a swing through northern New Hampshire on Friday, hitting diners and gas stations in a series of small towns to spread his message.

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Ohio Shows the Way on Death Tax Repeal

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 04:36 PM PDT


Ohio Gov. John Kasich made good on a major campaign promise Thursday, killing the state’s estate tax in the process of enacting the 2012-13 budget. He also managed to kill off an $8 billion deficit without raising taxes—a model for fiscally squeezed states nationwide.

The end of the death tax, which goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2013, will help stop the hemorrhaging of small businesses and jobs from the Buckeye State. Ohioans had suffered long enough with the levy on inheritances, with a 6% tax on personal and business assets above the $338,333 exemption, up to $500,000, and a 7% tax on assets above $500,000. The death tax was a major reason that business, jobs and capital have fled the state.

Ohio’s nearly 200,000 small businesses employ some 2.3 million people—about half the civilian labor force—and support annual payrolls exceeding $77 billion. But businesses and jobs have been leaving Ohio for years, many to the 28 states without a death tax.

The stampede for the exits comes as no surprise: Dying in Ohio was expensive. When federal (35% on all assets exceeding $5 million) and state taxes are combined, an Ohio family with a successful business could lose up to 40% of everything they had worked for.

While some opponents of repeal defend the death tax on the grounds that the state, like the federal government, needs the revenue, the truth is it yielded little revenue—around 2% of the average local jurisdiction’s revenues in Ohio, less than two-tenths of 1% for Columbus, and around 1% for Washington.

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SoCal Looks to Secede from California

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT

RIVERSIDE (CBS) — Is the state of California about to go "South"?

Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone apparently thinks so, after proposing that the county lead a campaign for as many as 13 Southern California counties to secede from the state.

Stone said in a statement late Thursday that Riverside, Imperial, San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino, Kings, Kern, Fresno, Tulare, Inyo, Madera, Mariposa and Mono counties should form the new state of South California.

The creation of the new state would allow officials to focus on securing borders, balancing budgets, improving schools and creating a vibrant economy, he said.

"Our taxes are too high, our schools don't educate our children well enough, unions and other special interests have more clout in the Legislature than the general public," Stone said in his statement.

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Treasury confirms deadline for raising debt limit

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 04:25 PM PDT


WASHINGTON — Congress has one month to raise the nation’s borrowing limit or the government will default on its debt, the Treasury Department said Friday.

Treasury officials confirmed the Aug. 2 deadline in a monthly update that assesses the nation’s borrowing situation. The United States reached the $14.3 trillion limit in May. Higher revenue and accounting maneuvers have allowed the government to keep paying its bills in the interim.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged Congress to raise the limit and “avoid the catastrophic economic and market consequences of a default crisis.”

President Barack Obama and Congressional Republicans are engaged in tough negotiations over resolving the issue. Republicans are demanding deep spending cuts as a condition of increasing the limit. But Republicans will not support tax increases, which Democrats say must be part of any deal.

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The Changing Face of the GOP

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 04:17 PM PDT

BY REID WILSON, National Journal

It's not every day that a group of conservative activists storms an institution of the Republican establishment and demands that the national party kick out a longstanding member who has not been implicated in any sort of personal scandal. But when FreedomWorks activists on Monday jammed the Ronald Reagan Republican Center, home of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, they highlighted one of the major unanswered questions in American politics today: Who owns the GOP?

The activists were protesting NRSC support for Sen. Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican who faces a difficult reelection bid next year. Hatch's big threat comes not from any Democrat; rather, it will come from a Republican challenger (probably Rep. Jason Chaffetz) at the state party's convention. FreedomWorks activists want the NRSC to end its financial support for Hatch—despite the fact that the committee's main mission is to protect Republican incumbents.

At the protest, Roll Call photographer Tom Williams captured an activist holding up a sign that read: "OUR choice, NOT yours." The caption identifies the activist as Marla Hamby of South Carolina.

That a South Carolina activist, protesting in association with a Washington-based conservative group, would see no hypocrisy in asserting ownership of a primary in Utah is emblematic of the growing pains inside the Republican Party. This is a dramatically different GOP that presents itself to the American public today compared to the one that lost control of Congress just five years ago.

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Has Bachmann replaced Palin in the Tea Party’s heart?

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 11:09 AM PDT

By Shannon Travis,

With U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota making a splash in the Republican presidential campaign while Sarah Palin sits on the sidelines, is Bachmann edging Palin out of the Tea Party’s heart?

While the former Alaska governor, vice presidential candidate and Fox News commentator is still much loved as a smart, media savvy conservative who breathes fire against President Obama and Democrats, it appears that Tea Party excitement for a Palin presidential run has passed.

One activist told CNN that Palin is “overexposed;” another said that unfair political attacks have left her “damaged;” while another said Palin’s “high negatives” might be too high to overcome.

On the other hand, activists laud Bachmann as far more “exciting,” with “Tea Party street cred,” and — perhaps most interestingly — a fresh face ready to learn from those attacks that Palin suffered.
“I don’t think there is a Tea Party favorite,” said Mark Meckler, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, the nation’s largest Tea Party group.

“I think that (Bachmann) has Tea Party street cred in that she’s been going to tea parties and speaking to tea parties since the beginning of the movement. She has seemed to have principles and taken actions that are consistent with Tea Party values. She has been one of the few folks in the House to consistently stand against the leadership when they don’t comply with Tea Party values.”

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