Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Indiana Board to Consider Tea Party Questions on Lugar Residency

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 02:53 AM PST

By Kathleen Hunter, Bloomberg

The Indiana Election Commission is being asked to determine whether U.S. Senator Richard Lugar is a resident of the state and deserving of a place on this year's ballot.

The Tea Party-backed challenge gives Democrats a new avenue of attack in a race in which their candidate starts out with a financial disadvantage against the six-term Republican.

"Whether or not it's legal, it's not right," Ben Ray, a spokesman for the Indiana Democratic Party, said in a telephone interview, referring to Lugar's residency status.

If Lugar survives the primary, he would face Democratic U.S. Representative Joe Donnelly, who has been making a point on his campaign kickoff tour of telling voters that he works in Washington, then spends most weekends in Indiana.

Backers of Lugar's challenger in the May 8 Republican primary, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, asked for the ruling on the legality of Lugar's candidacy, given that Lugar sold his home in Indiana in 1977 after he was first elected to the Senate and moved his family to McLean, Virginia.

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Nearly Half of All Americans Don’t Pay Income Taxes

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 10:22 AM PST

By: Rob Bluey,

This year's Index of Dependence on Government presented startling findings about the sharp increase of Americans who rely on the federal government for housing, food, income, student aid or other assistance. (See last week's chart.)

Another eye-popping number was the percentage of Americans who don't pay income taxes, which now accounts for nearly half of the U.S. population. Meanwhile, most of that population receives generous federal benefits.

"One of the most worrying trends in the Index is the coinciding growth in the non-taxpaying public," wrote Heritage authors Bill Beach and Patrick Tyrrell. "The percentage of people who do not pay federal income taxes, and who are not claimed as dependents by someone who does pay them, jumped from 14.8 percent in 1984 to 49.5 percent in 2009."

That means 151.7 million Americans paid nothing in 2009. By comparison, 34.8 million tax filers paid no taxes in 1984.

The rapid growth of Americans who don't pay income taxes is particularly alarming for the fate of the American form of government, Beach and Tyrrell warned. Coupled with higher spending on government programs, it is already proving to be a major fiscal challenge.

"This trend should concern everyone who supports America's republican form of government," Beach and Tyrrell wrote. "If the citizens' representatives are elected by an increasing percentage of voters who pay no income tax, how long will it be before these representatives respond more to demands for yet more entitlements and subsidies from non-payers than to the pleas of taxpayers to exercise greater spending prudence?"

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Regulations Harm Small Business and Protects Corporations

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 10:19 AM PST

By: James Hall,

The prospects for conducting commerce are never an easy task. The hurdles to start a business much less stay competitive demands the greatest skill and fortitude. Innovation and inspiration often is the best course for those bold enough to become an employer. The idea that a level playing field exists for all comers is preposterous. The entire macrocosm for business rests upon separating your enterprise from that of your rivalries. Such is a basic lesson for those brave or foolish enough to enter the arena.

Courtney Rubin cites the following in Inc. Magazine,

"Businesses with 20 employees or fewer pay 36 percent more than their larger counterparts (defined as those with 500 or more employees), says the report – called "The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms" — from the SBA's Office of Advocacy. This is because a lot of costs are fixed — the same whether you have two employees or 2,000. Total annual cost of following the rules for a small business: $10,585 per employee, or about $2,830 more than big business. Businesses with 20 to 499 employees paid about $7,454 per employee, or about $300 less than the largest companies.

The report estimates that 89 percent of all firms in the U.S. employ fewer than 20 workers. By comparison, large firms account for only 0.3 percent of all U.S. firms.

Says the report: "If federal regulations place a differentially large cost on small business, this potentially causes inefficiencies in the structure of American enterprises, and the relocation of production facilities to less regulated countries, and adversely affects the international competitiveness of domestically produced American products and services."

The screams for jobs, jobs and jobs would give the hint that federal, state and local business policy would favor the productive engine of employment. However, in the real world of political influence and favoritism only the well connected get the advantages.

Government regulations are meant to stifle competition. The legislative process graces those who are well connected, financially heeled and schooled in the art of writing the regulations. Few small businesses have a legal department or experienced lobbyists.

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Valerie Jarrett: ‘People Who Receive that Unemployment Check Go Out and Spend It and Help Stimulate the Economy’

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 10:14 AM PST


This evening, speaking at North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said that folks getting and spending unemployment checks is a healthy thing . . . because it stimulates the economy:

“Even though we had a terrible economic crisis three years ago, throughout our country many people were suffering before the last three years, particularly in the black community,” Jarrett said. “And so we need to make sure that we continue to support that important safety net. It not only is good for the family, but it’s good for the economy. People who receive that unemployment check go out and spend it and help stimulate the economy, so that’s healthy as well.”

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Globalists Push Internet Control Freak Treaty at the United Nations

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 10:10 AM PST

By: Kurt Nimmo,

Popular outrage over SOPA and PIPA has forced the globalists to seek a new line of attack in their effort to control the internet. On February 27, they will engage in a "diplomatic process" that will hand over to the United Nations unprecedented control over a free and open internet.

Numerous countries are pushing for United Nations governance over the internet by the end of the year, including Russia and China. Russian PM Vladimir Putin said last year his goal is to impose "international control over the Internet" through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a treaty-based organization under the auspices of the UN.

The ITU is working to globalize the radio spectrum, latest-generation wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, satellite-based meteorology along with the internet. It is positioning itself to control next-generation networks, the technology that will replace the current free and open internet.

Authoritarian China and Russia want to renegotiate the 1988 treaty that deregulated and decentralized the internet and paved the way for its fantastic success and popularity. The 1988 treaty, the Wall Street Journal notes, "insulated the Internet from economic and technical regulation and quickly became the greatest deregulatory success story of all time."

The ITU treaty negotiated at the behest of the United Nations will radically modify the internet and bring it under control of the global elite. In addition to imposing cyber security mandates, it will outlaw peer-to-peer technologies and impose unprecedented economic regulations such as mandates for rates, terms and conditions. It will allow transnational corporations to charge fees for "international" internet traffic possibly on a "per-click" basis for certain web destinations.

The ITU will also end the nonprofit status of multi-stakeholder internet governance entities such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers – in other words, UN bureaucrats answering to the globalists will control who is allowed to establish a presence on the internet. They will also control the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Society and other multi-stakeholder groups that develop and configure engineering and technical standards for the internet.

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Feds: Fresh milk 150 times more dangerous than pasteurized dairy

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 10:02 AM PST

By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times

The federal government said Tuesday that fresh milk is 150 times more dangerous than pasteurized milk — a finding that bolsters the government's argument as it goes after farmers who sell unpasteurized milk across state lines.

After a 13-year review, the taxpayer-funded Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said states where so-called "raw milk" is available had twice the rate of dairy-related disease outbreaks as states where those sales are banned.

And disease outbreaks from fresh milk are more serious in nature, according to the study, which found 200 out of 239 hospitalizations during the study stemmed from cases of fresh milk.

"Restricting the sale of raw milk products is likely to reduce the number of outbreaks and can help keep people healthier," said Dr. Robert Tauxe, director of CDC's division of foodborne, waterborne and environmental diseases. "The states that allow sale of raw milk will probably continue to see outbreaks in the future."

Fresh milk devotees say pasteurization — the process of heating food to kill off bacteria — removes some of the health benefits of milk, and argue that when consumers know their suppliers, diseases from raw milk are not an issue.

But the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration say pasteurized milk has all the same benefits as unpasteurized dairy.

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Veterans for Ron Paul Rally at White House

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 09:58 AM PST

By Matthew Larotonda,

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Current and former service members staged a rally outside the White House today in support of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Several hundred troops and their supporters attended the event. The veterans were men and women, young and old, some in uniform and some in plain clothes.

The demonstration was a mostly silent affair, with the veterans standing calmly at attention in rows. An organizer bellowed that each second of quiet was for every military suicide since President Obama took office. A second moment of silence was for each soldier to die abroad under the current commander in chief.

One protester held a sign reading "Don't let anybody make you think that God chose America to be a policeman of the whole world." The line was paraphrased from remarks by Dr. Martin Luther King regarding the Vietnam War.

There were few picket signs, but some tea party symbols were present.

The event concluded with an organizer parading the procession away, complete with color guard.

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Reigniting the Tea Party movement

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 09:55 AM PST

From: Bill O’Reilly,

O’REILLY: In the “Back of the Book” segment last week, Glenn Beck traveled to Rome. No, he was not made a cardinal. He was meeting with Tea Party groups from all over the world. Apparently, Beck is trying to reignite the Tea Party movement, and he joins us now from New York City.


O’REILLY: What are you, the Tea Party leader?

BECK: Wait a minute. You start with the wrong premise all the way — all the way from the very beginning.

First of all, I was in Rome because I met with cardinals because I wanted to talk to them a little bit about the program that we have called We’re all Catholics Now, where we need to stand with Jewish people, Catholics, anybody who’s under attack. Any time you’re under attack for the rights of conscience, we need to stand together. So that’s why I was in Rome.

While I was there –

O’REILLY: You were meeting with some Catholic cardinals. You want to name them, the American Catholic cardinals?

BECK: I did meet with an American Catholic cardinal, yes. I met with cardinals from all around the world.

O’REILLY: Dolan, did you talk to him?

BECK: I did. I did talk to Dolan. Very nice man.

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