Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Ocean State Tea Party Group Launches New Website

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 05:36 PM PST

From GoLocalProv.com

The Ocean State Tea Party in Action has launched a new website, according to Lisa Blais, who heads up the organizaion.

The website can be found at www.oceanstateteapartyinaction.com.

"The media and the other Rhode Island good government groups have done a wonderful job by bringing many issues to light as it relates to our government. The problem is, once you read about something, it is gone and the next issue is being exposed," Blais said.

To read more, visit:  http://www.golocalprov.com/politics/new-tea-party-group-launches-new-website/

Attractive females targeted by TSA agents for multiple naked body scanner screenings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:38 AM PST

By: Jonathan Benson, NaturalNews.com

At least 500 women have filed complaints alleging that U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners at various American airports specifically targeted them for sometimes multiple pass-throughs in the agency’s illegal naked body scanners because of their good looks. The women say they were deliberately singled out for being attractive by male screeners who wanted to “get a good look” of their naked figures, and that this is clearly a form of sexual harassment.

According to CBS 11 News in Dallas, Ellen Terrell, a wife and mother, says she was forced to go through the naked body scanner three times at Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) in Texas during a recent trip. After receiving an odd compliment about her “cute figure” by a female screener, Terrell says she was summoned to three separate radiation blasts in the naked body scanner — and if not for objections made by the female screener, there would have been a fourth blast.

“She says to me, ‘Do you play tennis?’ And I said, ‘Why?’ She said, ‘You just have such a cute figure,’” recalls Terrell of the incident. After being questioned about her athletic prowess, Terrell says she was sent through the naked body scanner a first time, only to be told that “we didn’t get it,” these being the words of the female TSA screener, who was communicating via a private microphone to several male TSA screeners in a back room.

After the second and third scan, the female TSA screener became visually frustrated with the other screeners who wanted Terrell to go through a fourth time, reportedly telling them through the microphone, “Guys, it is not blurry, I’m letting her go.”

And Terrell’s is not the only case where TSA screeners have apparently selected attractive women to go through naked body scanners, a process that is supposed to be “random.” At least 500 other women have filed complaints saying they felt “targeted” by TSA screeners because of their attractive features, or for simply being female. One woman says that, while waiting in the TSA screening line, she observed that only females were selected for the naked body scanner.

Rather than dismantle the entire illegitimate and unconstitutional agency, some members of Congress have proposed establishing “passenger advocates” at all airports to address traveler complaints. Such advocates, which are the brainchild of Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), are disturbingly similar to the Jewish councils that were established by Hitler during World War II to address complaints by Jews that were evicted from their homes, and later sent to concentration camps for extermination.

To read more, visit:  http://www.naturalnews.com/035018_TSA_body_scanners_women.html

Obama’s Tax Policy Targets Rising Sector of His Base: The Affluent

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:33 AM PST


WASHINGTON — Partisan clashes over President Obama's proposed tax increases have obscured something remarkable: that the affluent Americans targeted by his policy represent a growing share of his own party's base.

You would not know it from Republican cries of class warfare swirling around Mr. Obama's new budget, which reiterates his calls for higher taxes on individuals earning more than $200,000 and households earning more than $250,000. Conventional understanding of election-season populism assumes that the president will be looking to stick it to die-hard Republicans.

In fact, affluent Americans have represented a growing portion of the Democratic Party for a generation. Even though Jimmy Carter won the presidency in 1976, for example, he trailed the Republican incumbent, Gerald Ford, 62 percent to 38 percent among voters in the highest income group (those earning more than $20,000, the equivalent of roughly $80,000 today) that were measured by people conducting exit polls.

By 2000, Vice President Al Gore, the Democratic presidential nominee, trailed George W. Bush 54 percent to 43 percent among the highest income group (those earning more than $100,000). In winning the presidency four years ago, Mr. Obama defeated Senator John McCain by 52 percent to 46 percent among voters in the top income group, those earning more than $200,000.

The conservative author Charles Murray, in his new book "Coming Apart," which is about the nation's widening class divide, identifies "Super ZIP codes" that the "hyper-wealthy and hyper-elite" call home. Even as he proposed higher taxes on the wealthy in 2008, Mr. Obama beat Mr. McCain in 8 of the top 10 such ZIP codes — by a ratio of 2 to 1 in communities like Atherton, Calif., Gladwyne, Pa., and Chappaqua, N.Y.

Mr. Obama also continued the Democrats' progress among the much larger group of upper-middle-class voters. In counties with above-average incomes that the research organization Patchwork Nation calls Monied 'Burbs, Mr. Obama received 55 percent of the vote, up from the 49 percent President Bill Clinton received in 1996, the 43 percent that the Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis received in 1988 and the 36 percent Mr. Carter received in 1980.

To read more, visit:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/20/us/politics/obamas-tax-policy-targets-slice-of-his-base-the-affluent.html?_r=1

Bonds Backed by Mortgages Regain Allure

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:31 AM PST

By: Azam Ahmed, The New York Times

Some Wall Street investors made money as the mortgage market boomed; others profited when it fell apart.

Having reaped big gains during both of those turns, Greg Lippmann, a former star trader at Deutsche Bank, is now catching the next upswing: buying the same securities built from mortgages that he bet against before the financial crisis erupted.

Mr. Lippmann is joined by other big-money investors — mutual funds like Fidelity as well as hedge funds — in riding a wave of interest in the same complex loan pools that nearly washed away the financial system.

The attraction is the price. Some mortgage bonds are so cheap that even in the worst forecasts, with home prices falling as much as 10 percent and foreclosures rising, investors say they can still make money.

"Given its significant underperformance in 2011, we believe the product is as cheap to broader markets as it has been in a long time," Mr. Lippmann, whose portfolio is heavy with subprime mortgage securities, wrote in a recent letter to investors.

More broadly, the nascent recovery in the mortgage bond market supports a view that the housing slump may have bottomed out. Sales of existing homes are picking up. State and federal authorities have reached a $26 billion settlement with the big banks that is expected to provide some mortgage relief. And the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been able to auction off billions of dollars of mortgage securities that it acquired as part of the financial crisis bailouts.

To read more, visit:  http://www.cnbc.com/id/46446225

Anonymous Promises Regularly Scheduled Friday Attacks

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:28 AM PST

By Quinn Norton, Wired.com

Anonymous, a group not known for discipline, is giving itself a weekly deadline, a new attack every Friday.

Following the Tuesday compromise of the website of tear gas maker Combined Systems, Inc., the Antisec wing of Anonymous struck a Federal Trade Commission webserver which hosts three FTC websites, business.ftc.gov, consumer.gov and ncpw.gov, the National Consumer Protection Week partnership website.

Claiming this hack in opposition of the controversial international copyright treaty known as ACTA, which had been widely protested around the world for its potential to curtail freedom of expression on the internet, Anonymous continued the political messaging that has marked much of its recent high-profile actions.

Anons claiming responsibility for the attack spoke to Wired.com in an online chat just as it happened, freely admitting that there was nothing technically remarkable in this hack. As one remarked, "own & rm and move on." (rm being a unix command to delete data.)

But this week's attacks came with a promise, first articulated in the defacement of CSI, and restated on the FTC websites: Every Friday will bring a new attack against government and corporate sites under the theme of #FFF, or Fuck the FBI Friday.

"We are already sitting on dozens of unreleased targets," said an Antisec anon, who went on to describe an inventory of already compromised servers that could fill five months or more of #FFF releases.

To read more, visit:  http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/02/anonymous-friday-attacks/

Ron Paul, ‘the only candidate speaking of lost civil liberties and pending illegal wars’

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:25 AM PST

By: RT, Infowars.com

United States presidential contender Ron Paul has warned that his country is slipping into a twenty-first century fascist system with a broke government ruled by big business. RT asked some experts whether they agree.

Speaking to supporters in Kansas City, the Republican candidate said Americans' individual liberties were being stripped away.

And, as Houston-based author Anis Shivani says, Paul is "the only candidate on the Republican side who is talking about the loss of civil liberties, pending illegal wars, making the connection between imperialism and the loss of rights at home."

It now looks like Ron Paul could have won the Maine caucus, and Shivani believes he could have more support with the American public but it seems that the media won't allow it to happen:

"I think he does have hardcore support – maybe it could be 15 to 20 per cent of people on the conservative side. His support could be wider, but the media will never treat a candidate like him with seriousness, they will just dismiss him as a fringe candidate because of, for example, his very firm stance on Iran, he is saying 'Let's not get into another war on Iran, we just can't afford it, and every time we do this, it makes governance at home more difficult.' So the media will say he is just not interested in national security and dismiss him."

And radio host and author Stephen Lendman also agrees that current US policies are evidence that the country has indeed developed a fascist system, going on to disagree slightly: "The only thing I disagree with Ron Paul it is that is not slipping into it – it's deep into it."

To read more, visit:  http://www.infowars.com/ron-paul-the-only-candidate-speaking-of-lost-civil-liberties-and-pending-illegal-wars/

Artificial hamburger meat successfully grown in vat of bovine fetal cells; You want some fries with that?

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:20 AM PST

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com

I’m not sure which is the more offensive way to create meat. There’s the current “factory farm” method where masses of hormone-jacked, antibiotics-injected cows are kept confined in what can only be called bovine concentration camps while they’re fed genetically modified corn, then slaughtered without compassion and subjected to diabolical meat-harvesting machinery that turns a cow carcass into corporate profits. On the other hand, there’s the new method being touted across the media: Test tube hamburgers made from thin strips of meat grown in a nutrient vat laced with bovine fetus stem cells. Yumm!

The test tube meat strips actually pulsate and twitch during their laboratory growth phase, by the way, and they’re ultimately ground up with strips of test tube fat grown in a similar way to produce a fatty hamburger-like substance. This has been accomplished by Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University in the Netherlands, who announced his team’s results at the American Academy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) yesterday.

Test tube meat is here to save the world!

“In October we are going to provide a proof of concept showing out of stem cells we can make a product that looks, feels and hopefully tastes like meat,” says Mark Post at the announcement (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/9091628/Test-tube-ham…). Of course, what does processed meat actually taste like anyway? MSG, sodium nitrite and processed salt, for the most part. So making lab-grown meat taste like today’s factory-processed meat only requires the injection of a few additives into the growth culture. Imagine growing meat patties with MSG inside every cell!

Creating one hamburger will require 3,000 strips of meat, each just half a millimeter thick and grown in laboratory vats. Unlike a cow, which requires roughly two years to grow to the point of slaughter, a test tube burger can be produced in just six weeks.

The “benefits” of test tube hamburger production are being touted as substantial, including:

• More efficient conversion of plants to meat.
• Less environmental damage.
• More humane than killing animals.
• Is the only feasible way to feed more meat to the world.

Of course, they also said that GMOs would “feed the world.” Bill Gates calls genetically modified foods “high-tech agriculture” now, with the strong implication that technology is always superior to Mother Nature (http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=1EE22C52BA26FA296CFC8A0361571555). But I’m not so sure about that. In fact, this whole thing sounds more than a little creepy to me.

To read more, visit:  http://www.naturalnews.com/035020_artificial_meat_test_tube_hamburger.html

Ron Paul would best Obama in Iowa general election matchup

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:16 AM PST

By Felicia Sonmez, WashingtonPost.com

A new Des Moines Register poll shows Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) would best President Obama in the Hawkeye State if the general election were held today.

In the Iowa Poll, which surveyed 611 likely Iowa voters over Feb. 12-15 and had a margin of error of 4 percentage points, Paul would take 49 percent to Obama's 42 percent.

He is the only one of the GOP White House hopefuls who would defeat Obama in Iowa if the election were held today, according to the survey.

Former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) would be in a dead heat with Obama, taking 48 percent to Obama's 44 percent, as would former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R), who would take 46 percent to 44 percent for Obama. Both candidates are within the margin of error in a potential matchup with Obama.

The poll shows Obama with a wide lead over former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). Obama would take 51 percent to Gingrich's 37 percent in Iowa if the election were held today.

Iowa will be a key swing state in the November general election. Obama bested Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) by 10 points in the state four years ago, taking 54 percent to McCain's 44 percent.

To read more, visit:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/post/ron-paul-would-best-obama-in-iowa-general-election-matchup/2012/02/18/gIQABoeUMR_blog.html

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