Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party |
- Ron Paul, Herman Cain on Rick Perry: Bring IT ON!
- GOP’s picks on panel oppose tax hike
- Facebook Users Raise Alarm Over Social Network’s Posting of Confidential Phone Numbers
- Treasury sells 10-year notes at record low rate
- Heat-Related Skin Infections On The Rise
- FTC Sharpens Google Probe
- Rick Santelli Rips CNBC Guest For Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’
- Opposition continues over NY ‘millionaire’s tax’
- Tea Party downgrade? Here’s what S&P actually said
- Collecting DNA From Arrestees Is Unconstitutional, California Court Says
Ron Paul, Herman Cain on Rick Perry: Bring IT ON! Posted: 11 Aug 2011 06:08 AM PDT From: SF Gate Mason City, Iowa — Finally, we’ve found two Republican prez candidates who aren’t afraid to comment about Texas Guv Rick Perry entering the race: Herman Cain and Rep. Ron Paul. You’d think it would be a no-brainer. But Team Bachmann literally blocked our Shaky Hand Productions camera when we had the temerity to lob the softball to her Monday. And Tim Pawlenty turned tail when we asked him Tuesday about Perry. Are we emitting some sort of moose-like musk? Or are they just perry, perry afraid. (Oh, we’re sorry. That’s just so hack, even for us. We blame it arterial sclerosis caused by the ribeye steak sandwich we just ate for lunch. When in Mason City, do as the Iowans.) But Cain did not fear the Shaky Hand. Of course, Dr. Paul fears no one. At an event Wednesday in Mason City, Paul quickly — and politely — painted Perry as Mr. Establishment, connected him to Al Gore (we’re checking on that) and then said his entry into the race was a tribute to free market principles… as in the more competition, the better. Now THAT is a man on message. To read more, visit: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/nov05election/detail?entry_id=95090 |
GOP’s picks on panel oppose tax hike Posted: 11 Aug 2011 06:04 AM PDT By William Douglas and Daniel Lippman, The Sacramento Bee WASHINGTON – Republican leaders in the House of Representatives and the Senate appointed six conservative lawmakers Wednesday to the so-called supercommittee that’s charged with finding ways to trim the federal deficit by more than $1 trillion by year’s end. The six, along with three Senate Democrats whom Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., tapped Tuesday, bring a diverse knowledge of fiscal affairs to a committee created as part of last week’s deal that allowed Congress to approve a measure to raise the federal debt ceiling. But they also carry some fixed beliefs that may make reaching compromise on spending cuts and tax issues difficult. Three more Democrats, to be selected by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, are to be named to the panel by Tuesday. The Republican senators whom Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., named to the panel are Jon Kyl of Arizona, Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania and Rob Portman of Ohio. Toomey and Portman are serving their first terms in the Senate. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, chose three experienced chairmen for the panel: Republican Conference Chair Jeb Hensarling of Texas, Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp of Michigan, and Energy and Commerce Chair Fred Upton of Michigan. On Tuesday, Reid announced that Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts, Max Baucus of Montana and Patty Murray of Washington state were his supercommittee choices. To read more, visit: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/08/11/3830109/gops-picks-on-panel-against-tax.html |
Facebook Users Raise Alarm Over Social Network’s Posting of Confidential Phone Numbers Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:59 AM PDT By Jeremy A. Kaplan, FOXNews.com All the phone numbers in your phone are now on Facebook, warns an alarmed statement making the rounds on the social network, and the numbers are there whether you’ve allowed the site access to them or not. That’s not exactly true, Facebook argues, noting that the feature has existed for over a year. But users, just now realizing the sensitive information they’re sharing, are buzzing up a storm. And for some people, it’s one sting too many from a company they’re growing reluctant to trust with their data. “That might be the last straw,” wrote one worried Facebook user. “All my friend’s personal phone numbers are on there! Not happy,” another complained. Facebook adamantly denied that the confidential phone numbers of friends and family are freely accessible online, as many have worried. The company posted a statement to its site at the end of the day to address user concerns. “Rumors claiming that your phone contacts are visible to everyone on Facebook are false,” reads a response the company has posted to its website. “Our Contacts list, formerly called Phonebook, has existed for a long time. The phone numbers listed there were either added by your friends themselves and made visible to you, or you have previously synced your phone contacts with Facebook.” To read more, visit: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/08/10/facebook-exposes-confidential-phone-numbers-users-worry/?test=latestnews |
Treasury sells 10-year notes at record low rate Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:54 AM PDT From: The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — A stampede by investors into Treasurys helped the U.S. government borrow at record low rates for the second day straight. The Treasury sold $24 billion in 10-year Treasury notes Wednesday afternoon at a yield of 2.14 percent. That’s the lowest borrowing rate for an auction of 10-year notes on record, according to Treasury dealers. It’s the second day in a row that the Treasury was able to borrow at an all-time low rate since Standard & Poor’s stripped the U.S. of its AAA credit rating. The Treasury sold $32 billion in three-year notes at a record low of 0.50 percent Tuesday. Europe’s debt problems, weak economic growth in the U.S. and the falling stock market have led many investors to seek safety in Treasurys, still considered a safe haven despite S&P’s downgrade. As demand increase, Treasury prices are pushed higher and their yields fall. In Wednesday trading, the 10-year Treasury note rose $1.21 for every $100 invested. The yield fell to 2.11 percent, down from 2.26 percent late Tuesday. It briefly touched 2.03 percent Tuesday afternoon, just under the previous low reached during the financial crisis in 2008. In other trading, the yield on the two-year note dropped to 0.18 percent from 0.20 late Tuesday. The yield on the 30-year Treasury fell to 3.50 percent from 3.61 percent, while its price jumped $2.53 for every $100 invested. To read more, visit: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_CREDIT_MARKETS?SITE=7219&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-08-10-17-26-16 |
Heat-Related Skin Infections On The Rise Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:51 AM PDT From: CBSDFW.com DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – For Karrell Johnson of Dallas, a painful brush with a carbuncle started as a seemingly benign knot on his back. "I went out and played golf, " said the UNT music instructor, "only nine holes because of the heat, but I wasn't bothered with it at all." But, after a 2,500 mile road trip in the sweltering heat, Johnson says the 'little knot' turned into a nasty infection. "It was just huge, and very infected, " said Johnson. Often called carbuncles or sebaceous cysts, doctors are seeing a rise in skin infections during this heatwave—as if the weather itself isn't making us miserable enough. "It can go on for days or even weeks, looking okay and then all of a sudden for whatever reason—sit for a long time, you get sweaty, you start exercising, and overnight it can turn south on us, " said Dr. Jeff Goudreau, a Dallas internal medicine physician. Patients sometimes complain of fever, fatigue, or just a general discomfort. Itching can occur before the carbuncle develops, and then the knot will turn painful and irritated with a white or yellow center. As the infection worsens, the cyst will 'weep' and be filled with pus, and form a crust. To read more, visit: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2011/08/09/heat-related-skin-infections-on-the-rise-in-dfw/ |
Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:47 AM PDT
U.S. antitrust regulators are focusing their investigation of Google Inc. on key areas of its business, including its Android mobile-phone software and Web-search related services, people familiar with the probe say. Six weeks after serving Google with broad subpoenas, Federal Trade Commission lawyers, in conjunction with several state attorneys general, have been asking whether Google prevents smartphone manufacturers that use its Android operating system from using competitors’ services, these people said. They also have inquired whether Google grants preferential placement on its website to its own products, such as Google’s “Places” business listings, its “Shopping results” and Google Finance services above most other results. And they’re looking into allegations that Google unfairly takes information collected by rivals, such as reviews of local businesses, to use on its own specialized site and then demotes the rivals’ services in its search results, the people said. When the FTC probe first became official in June, Google said it wasn’t clear what the agency was concerned about. But the early focus of the investigation suggests a potential threat to Google’s plans to expand its commercial success beyond its current cash cow: the Web-search engine. The European Commission, which has imposed restrictions on Microsoft Corp.’s ability to leverage its dominant computer-operating system to promote other services, has been carrying out its own broad antitrust probe of Google since last year. To read more, visit: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904823804576500544082214566.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTWhatsNewsCollection |
Rick Santelli Rips CNBC Guest For Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’ Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:41 AM PDT By Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters.org Banking analyst Meredith Whitney made a big mistake on CNBC Wednesday calling Tea Party members “freaked out white men who are unemployed” when Rick Santelli was about to come on the program. Not surprisingly, Santelli after his pre-market interview with Steve Liesman went right after Whitney’s foolish comments even making it personal (video follows with transcript and commentary): MEREDITH WHITNEY, BANKING ANALYST: I would suggest that the debate is really around unemployment, and I think that, you know, call the Tea Party whatever you will, the fringe element is, you know, I characterize freaked out white men who are unemployed and have been unemployed for three years and they’re scared to death. And three to four million of them are just about to roll off of unemployment benefits in the next three months. So, this is only going to get worse. For this reason, you have to deal with structural issues. So, if you are a Machiavellian Democrat, you want to deal with this issue and defuse the Tea Party as fast as you possibly can, because this poses the biggest threat to their reelection I think in '12. A few minutes later at the end of a subsequent segment, Santelli had to respond: RICK SANTELLI, CNBC: You know, Joe, I’m surprised you don’t want to ask me anything. JOE KERNEN, CNBC: I never know, Rick, I never know how to get you going. Sometimes I ask you the most loaded questions and you blow it off. Other times I think I’m asking the most innocuous thing. To read more, visit: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/08/10/rick-santelli-strikes-back-cnbc-guest-calling-tea-partiers-freaked-ou |
Opposition continues over NY ‘millionaire’s tax’ Posted: 10 Aug 2011 04:01 PM PDT From: Boston.com ALBANY, N.Y.—New York’s so-called millionaire’s tax expires in December after three years. But advocates for the poor, for schools and other causes that will no longer be able to count on the tax revenue are still fighting for it to be extended further. They targeted Gov. Andrew Cuomo Tuesday. A group called Community Voices Heard met Tuesday at the State University of New York at New Paltz call for a continued millionaire’s tax. The tax actually required a higher income tax rate for New Yorkers beginning at $200,000 a year. The social service groups still have many supporters in the Democrat-led Assembly and in the Senate’s Democratic minority. But the Senate’s Republican majority that can block the proposal remains strongly opposed. To read more, visit: http://www.boston.com/business/taxes/articles/2011/08/10/opposition_continues_over_ny_millionaires_tax/ |
Tea Party downgrade? Here’s what S&P actually said Posted: 10 Aug 2011 03:57 PM PDT From: Reuters.com Was it a Tea Party downgrade? Beltway media has offered the usual pox-on-both-political houses analysis of Standard & Poor's downgrade of U.S. debt and this week's market meltdown. The two parties spent Monday blaming one other side for the debacle. According to this narrative, both sides must bear equal guilt. But what does S&P actually say in its downgrade report? Politics: The downgrade analysis is very political. S&P issued the downgrade even though we avoided default — and even after the Treasury pointed out S&P's $2 trillion math error. S&P went ahead with the downgrade due to its concerns about political dysfunction in Washington, which has created "greater policy uncertainty." Which political party does S&P fault? Let's go to the memo (emphasis added): The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed. The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy. To read more, visit: http://blogs.reuters.com/reuters-money/2011/08/10/tea-party-downgrade-heres-what-sp-actually-said/ |
Collecting DNA From Arrestees Is Unconstitutional, California Court Says Posted: 10 Aug 2011 03:54 PM PDT By David Kravets, Wired.com A California appeals court is striking down a voter-approved measure requiring every adult arrested on a felony charge to submit a DNA sample. The 1st District Court of Appeal in San Francisco said Proposition 69 amounted to unconstitutional, warrantless searches of arrestees. More than 1.6 million samples have been taken following the law's 2009 implementation. "What the DNA Act authorizes is the warrantless and suspicionless search of individuals, before a judicial determination of probable cause to believe they have committed a crime, for evidence of crime unrelated to that for which they have been arrested," (.pdf) the court wrote. "The United States Supreme Court has never permitted suspicionless searches aimed at uncovering evidence of crime outside the context of convicted offenders." The California appeals court distanced itself from other rulings on the issue, holding that DNA collection from arrestees' inner cheeks is not the same as taking fingerprints. About half of those arrested in California are convicted. "The question this case presents, which is increasingly presented to the courts of this state and nation, is the extent to which technology can be permitted to diminish the privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment," the court wrote. California argued that DNA evidence is an effective crime-solving tool. The court, ruling 3–0, found that argument immaterial. To read more, visit: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/08/dna-arrestees/ |
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