Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Sen. Vitter Slams Tax Breaks for ‘Big Gold’

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:52 PM PDT

By Stephen Power, The Wall Street Journal

The oil industry and its allies have gone on the offense in their effort to persuade Congress not to raise the industry's taxes: They've taken to spotlighting other industries' tax breaks.

On Monday, Sen. David Vitter (R., La.) called on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to consider eliminating tax breaks for the gold mining industry, saying that the upward trajectory of gold prices is "quite similar" to the trend in oil prices during the Obama administration.

"If the only solution you can put forward to create jobs and lower the price of oil is to increase taxes – rather than boost domestic production here at home – then surely your strategy of increasing taxes would have the same effect on those who reap significant profits from Nevada's gold mines," Mr. Vitter said in his letter to Mr. Reid, who is leading efforts to repeal billions of dollars in tax breaks for oil companies.

A spokesman for Mr. Reid said his boss "has always been open to reasonable hardrock mining reform that protects jobs while ensuring the industry pays its fair share."

"I'd want to change the subject too if I had to defend billions in government giveaways to Big Oil corporations with gas prices so high in Nevada and across the country," the spokesman added. A spokesman for the National Mining Association declined to comment.

A 2009 report by the Pew Campaign for Responsible Mining projected that the U.S. government stands to lose an estimated $1.6 billion in potential revenue over the next decade as a result of "outdated policies that subsidize the mining of gold, uranium and other metals on federal public lands." According to the Congressional Budget Office, about $1 billion in metals are taken from federal lands each year. Under a federal law dating to the Ulysses Grant administration, such minerals are extracted without royalty or rental payments.

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John Boehner: Cut ‘trillions’ as debt limit nears

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:49 PM PDT

By: Jake Sherman,

NEW YORK — Speaker John Boehner came here Monday to lend a peek to a worried Wall Street and a concerned Washington as to where he stands as the nation rapidly approaches its statutory debt ceiling.

What they heard was that he feels no urgency.

The Ohio Republican used a speech to the Economic Club of New York to unveil a staunchly conservative plan to offset a debt ceiling hike with spending cuts of a greater amount, putting House Republicans on a collision course with Democrats who want much more modest spending restrictions attached to the vote.

He also told a packed, well-dressed ballroom at the Hilton New York that the debt limit has no "hard date" — a sign he does not take seriously the Democrats' dire warnings of default in a few months.

And he reaffirmed that reforming the popular program Medicare is fully on the table in the negotiations, that tax hikes are a non-starter, and that defense spending deserves a look but vowed to not raise the debt ceiling without what he dubs "real action to solve our long-term economic problems."

And he left through a side entrance before dinner even began.

In sum, Boehner's plan here was bold in broad strokes, but safe enough that it offered no true specifics that will hamstring him in the future. For example, he didn't vow to let the debt ceiling lapse if doesn't get the hike offset. He didn't box himself in on any plan, including a plan favored by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to let U.S. coporations bring corporate profits back home at a lower rate — Boehner said it can only come with fundamental tax reform.

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Liberals in southern Arizona seek to form new state

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:45 PM PDT

By Brad Poole, Reuters, Yahoo News

TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) – A long-simmering movement by liberal stalwarts in southern Arizona to break away from the rest of the largely conservative state is at a boiling point as secession backers press to bring their longshot ambition to the forefront of Arizona politics.

A group of lawyers from the Democratic stronghold of Tucson and surrounding Pima County have launched a petition drive seeking support for a November 2012 ballot question on whether the 48th state should be divided in two.

The ultimate goal of the newly formed political action committee Start our State is to split Pima County off into what would become the nation’s 51st state, tentatively dubbed Baja Arizona.

Backers have until July 5 next year to collect the 48,000 signatures required to qualify for a spot on the ballot. If they succeed, it would mark only the first hurdle in a long, circuitous process that even the most determined of supporters readily acknowledge has little chance of bearing fruit.

“We at least need to get it on the ballot, as a nonbinding resolution, to ask the people of Pima County if they want to be a part of Arizona,” Tucson attorney Paul Eckerstrom, a former Pima County Democratic chairman who launched the campaign, told Reuters. “All the stars would have to align for this to happen, but it could conceivably happen by the fall of 2013.”

U.S. history is replete with efforts to carve one state from another — from the creation of Kentucky and Tennessee in the 1790s to more modern misfires like proposals to partition Long Island from New York or to split California in half.

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Posted: 10 May 2011 04:42 PM PDT

By:  CBS

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – A new national alert system is set to begin in New York City that will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones.

It's called the Personal Localized Alert Network or PLAN. Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.

The Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said the system would also warn about terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

"The lessons that were reinforced on 9/11 is the importance of getting clear and accurate information to the public during a crisis," New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference on Tuesday.

Verizon and AT&T, the nation's largest cell phone carriers, are already on board. Consumers would be able to opt out of all but those presidential messages.

"We believe this new alert system is a welcome addition to our arsenal of readiness," Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said. "It's like a police officer's gun: it's there for a good reason but we hope that we never have to pull the trigger."

The announcement of the new emergency alert system came in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death and an uptick in security and safety concerns around New York City.

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The Drudge Report Drives More Top News Traffic than Twitter or Facebook, Study Finds

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:33 PM PDT


The Drudge Report outranks social media when it comes to driving news traffic to top Web sites, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. In a comprehensive examination of online traffic data provided by Nielsen, Pew found that only “three sites ever account for more than 10 percent of the traffic to any [major news Web site]: Google (search and news combined), the Drudge Report and Yahoo (search and news combined).”

The chart below plots referral traffic to top news brands from the Drudge Report, Facebook and Twitter.

Pew researchers analyzed the traffic behind 25 of the Internet’s biggest news Web sites. Their report reveals new insights into online behavior among news consumers and compares the data from traditional online venues with new trends emerging in social media. The report provides a valuable profile of types of online news audiences and their behaviors — data that is highly-prized by publishers. Among the report’s chief findings:

News Web sites’ audiences are mostly made up of “casual users” — visitors who only visit a few times a month, and only spend minutes on a site. For instance, USAToday’s casual user base makes up 85% of its audience.
Many sites also attract a smaller group of loyal users who visit more than 10 times per month.
Google is the primary driver of traffic online, but social media, specifically Facebook, is growing fast. However, Twitter “barely registers as a referring source.”
Despite the meteoric growth of social media in recent years, the report found that Drudge Report still outperforms Facebook and Twitter when it comes to driving audiences to top news Web sites:

…the Drudge Report’s influence cuts across both traditional organizations such as ABC News to more tabloid style outlets such as the New York Post. What’s more, Drudge Report drove more links than Facebook or Twitter on all the sites to which it drove traffic.

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