Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Gallup poll sees growing support for third party in GOP, Tea Party

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:37 AM PDT

By Michael O’Brien, The Hill

A majority of Republicans said for the first time that a third party was needed in American politics, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

Fifty-two percent of Republicans, and an even stronger number of Tea Party supporters, support the creation of a major, third political party, underscoring the occasional tensions between grassroots conservatives and the GOP establishment.

An overall majority of Americans, 52 percent, said that a third political party was needed; the most profound shift has come among Republicans.

The number of Republicans who said that a third political party was necessary was at an all-time high since Gallup first began tracking opinion on the issue in 2003. And while support for a third party has crept steadily upward in the GOP, for the first time, it represents a majority opinion.

Supporters of the Tea Party are even more likely to back a third party, the poll found. Sixty percent of Tea Party supporters back a third party, while 32 percent say the existing two parties are adequate. By contrast, 47 percent of Tea Party opponents said the bipartisan system is adequate, and 44 percent favored a third party.

The poll isn’t the first time that the specter of a Tea Party-affiliated third party has emerged. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) has asked “Why not?” of a third party if voters find themselves dissatisfied with Republicans. And Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), who had considered running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, said he sees a third party if Republicans stray from their principles.

To read more, visit: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/160021-gallup-poll-sees-growing-support-for-third-party-in-gop-tea-party

Group claims link between Autism and vaccines

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:32 AM PDT

From: MyFOXBoston.com

BOSTON (FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) – The debate as to what causes autism rages on. Now one group claims that there is a distinct link between childhood vaccinations and autism.

The group is made up of more than 80 families from across the country. They say that they have data to show that a large number of children have been compensated by the Government for vaccine injury who also have autism.

They don’t claim that vaccines would cause autism, only that in rare cases the connection can be made.

The Centers for Disease Control disputes the assertation that vaccines can cause autism. They released the following statement:

“As far as the link between autism and vaccines– the overwhelming body of evidence to date from the best and brightest scientists at CDC and around the world simply does not point to association between autism and vaccines.”

To read more, visit: http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/national/group-claims-link-between-autism-and-vaccines-20110509

Mitch Daniels: The man who could reshape the Republican field

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:28 AM PDT

By Chris Cillizza, The Washington Post

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels continues to keep the political world waiting, saying recently that he will announce "within weeks" whether he will run for president in 2012.

The Republican's decision — which could come as soon as Thursday at the Indiana Republican Party's spring dinner, where his wife, Cheri, will be the keynote speaker — could have an impact well beyond just one man saying yes or no, however.

The GOP presidential race has been defined by relative chaos — and weakness — among the field.

That was reinforced at last week's first presidential debate of the season, which, aside from former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, featured a handful of long shots and no-shots debating such topics as the legalization of marijuana — and even heroin.

Daniels is regarded (and regards himself) as a candidate of considerable gravity, willing to focus on making tough choices about the nation's financial future even if that conversation is politically unpopular. (At a February speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, he said that "purity in martyrdom is for suicide bombers.")

To read more, visit:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2011/05/08/AFl1bwSG_story.html

Al Franken: Smart phone and app privacy no joke

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:25 AM PDT

By TONY ROMM, Politico

Sen. Al Franken is planning to take a hard look Tuesday at the way iPhones, Androids and BlackBerrys — and the apps that run on them — collect and use personal information about their owners, including their locations.

And he said it won’t be his last word on the matter.

As the senator’s new privacy subcommittee prepares for its first hearing, the Minnesota Democrat told POLITICO in an interview he’s particularly concerned that some people “have no knowledge, and no way of knowing, where their information” shared on a smart phone or through an app “is going.”

That’s why Tuesday’s session is “not designed to be the last hearing” on smart phone privacy concerns, Franken said, as the panel explores whether legislation is needed.

“I think there is concern there,” Franken said of the smart phone industry and app makers. “And I think somehow we’re going to have to have some kind of rules of the road that will give direction [on privacy].” The senator added that those rules may “have to involve apps” too.

The intersection of smart phones and privacy is a top policy priority for Franken.

To read more, visit:  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/54621.html

Tea Party Slams Boehner and Ryan on Debt Ceiling

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:22 AM PDT

By Wes Barrett, FOXNews.com

Tea Party leaders ripped into House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, as well as other House Republicans, saying any vote to raise the debt limit without major fiscal policy changes will amount to selling out the Tea Party, adding the group will work to unseat those who vote for an increase in the next election.

“We’re telling Boehner and all of the House Republicans, they came into office with Tea Party help. We now expect them to keep their promises and hold the ceiling on the national debt,” said William Temple, head of this fall’s Tea Party National Convention. “The Tea Party will not be in a very forgiving mood this fall, nor as the GOP primary season opens, if House freshmen and others elected by the Tea Party cave to Obama. We will find replacements for them this fall.”

He added the group could go along with a small increase in the debt ceiling, but only if Republicans were able to win a major policy battle such as a repeal of health care or the passage of a balanced budget amendment.

Temple appeared at a Washington press conference dressed in colonial garb and was especially critical of the 2011 budget compromise Boehner worked out with Republicans last month. The deal cut $37.8 billion in spending and narrowly avoided a government shutdown, but was short of the $100 billion in cuts Republicans originally sought.

To read more, visit:  http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2011/05/09/tea-party-slams-boehner-and-ryan-debt-ceiling#ixzz1LwTBcdAr

California teachers mobilize to pass taxes

Posted: 09 May 2011 03:21 PM PDT

By: Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau

Teachers in California today are launching a weeklong effort across the state to pressure lawmakers to pass tax extensions and increases in order to prevent any further cuts to schools.

Events for what the California Teachers Association is calling the “State of Emergency” will be held in cities from Fortuna (Humboldt County) to San Diego, culminating with rallies in major cities, including San Francisco, on Friday. The effort, which will include sit-ins at the state Capitol, is one of the largest nonelection undertakings by a union in years and comes just a week before Gov. Jerry Brown’s scheduled May 16 release of his revised budget plan.

While the Democratic governor wants the Legislature to call a special election in order to fulfill his campaign pledge for a statewide vote on the taxes, the powerful teachers union is pushing for the Legislature to forgo a vote of the people and simply pass the taxes on its own.

Preparations for the events, which include television and radio spots, began about a month ago, said David Sanchez, president of the California Teachers Association.

“It’s based on the frustration and concern of California teachers and educators and other classified folks … of how difficult things are getting in the classroom and schoolhouse,” Sanchez said, describing the sentiment as “enough is enough.”

Effort to cost millions

He said the campaign will cost several million dollars, but declined to be specific. He said the association is paying teachers for their participation in the various events, and it is paying for hotel rooms in Sacramento for those who travel to the Capitol for a sit-in.

Brown’s budget proposal calls for spending $49.3 billion on education in 2011-12 under Proposition 98, the voter-passed initiative that determines spending for K-12 public schools and community colleges. That’s down from $56.6 billion in 2007-08, prior to the deep recession, and $49.7 billion in the current fiscal year.

Without additional taxes to close the remaining $15.4 billion state budget deficit, Brown has said public schools could face at least $4 billion more in cuts, and he has made supporting public education the major piece of his argument for seeking support of his budget plan.

To read more, visit:  http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/05/08/MNSS1JD2T8.DTL

Oil up over $4, weaker dollar helps

Posted: 09 May 2011 03:17 PM PDT

By Robert Gibbons, Yahoo Finance

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Brent crude oil surged more than $6 a barrel on Monday, the second-largest gain on record, snapping back from last week’s near record sell-off on a wave of bargain-hunting and a jump in gasoline futures prices.

The rebound erased nearly a third of last week’s losses, with many traders having anticipated a bounce after a series of automated stop-loss sales hammered prices on Thursday; additional support on Monday came from a jump in gasoline on concerns that flooding could disrupt U.S. refiners.

Trade remained heavy after last week’s price collapse saw volumes jump to near twice the 30-day moving average as part of a broad sell-off across commodities markets.

Brent crude for June settled up $6.77 at $115.90 a barrel. U.S. crude rose $5.37 to settle at $102.55 a barrel, while U.S. gasoline futures jumped 6 percent.

“We went through a pretty hefty sell-off for all markets,” said Tony Machacek, an oil trader at Bache Commodities. “It smacked of funds getting sell-stops triggered.”

Oil’s early rebound came amid wider gains across the commodity complex, with the Reuters-Jefferies CRB index (^CRB – News), a global benchmark for commodities prices, up 2 percent after posting the biggest weekly drop since late 2008 last week.

Further strength came from concerns about U.S. gasoline supply ahead of the summer driving season. Traders eyed a fire at Chevron’s Pascagoula refinery and Mississippi River flooding near several U.S. refineries, though none has been impacted.

To read more, visit:  http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Oil-up-over-4-weaker-dollar-rb-2034402269.html?x=0&.v=4

4 Arrested for videotaping TSA line at Denver Airport

Posted: 09 May 2011 03:14 PM PDT

By: CBSDenver.com

DENVER (CBS4) – Four people were arrested after a suspicious incident at Denver International Airport.

The incident happened Saturday morning at the south end security checkpoint. Airport personnel noticed someone videotaping the security lines. Police then confronted the person with the camera and the three people in line who were being taped. Two of those people did not have IDs or boarding passes.

Police arrested the man with the camera and the three people in line. Police say they don't know what the group was doing. They were arrested on suspicion of interfering with a transportation facility.

Security was stopped for a few minutes and police conducted a security sweep but didn't find any problems.

To read more, visit:  http://denver.cbslocal.com/2011/05/08/4-arrested-after-suspicious-incident-at-dia/

New High Tech Taser being used in Polk County, FL

Posted: 09 May 2011 03:11 PM PDT

By: Tammie Fields, wtsp.com

Bartow, Florida – There’s a new taser in town that looks like something out of a James Bond movie. It packs a powerful punch and can stop the bad guys in their tracks longer than a stun gun can.

Polk County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team members say the taser has already saved lives.

They point to a terrifying scene from inside an Auburndale home last Christmas when a convicted sex offender, 27-year-old Jason Robinson, was accused of brutally attacking his brother and threatening to kill the entire family.

In victim’s statements to police Jason’s brother Adam Lee Robinson explained to detectives after the alleged incident, “He starts stomping on my ribs and he actually jumps up and stomps on my testicle.”

Jason is accused of barricading himself inside the house and that’s when the Polk County SWAT team members moved in. Paul Butler is a member of the SWAT team and says, “So we pushed the front door of the house open with that to try to get his attention. I utilized a shotgun that we have with the TASER XREP round.”

Polk County Sheriff’s Office is one of only about two dozen law enforcement agencies in Florida using the powerful new TASER Extended Range Electronic Projectile (XREP).

To read more, visit:  http://www.wtsp.com/news/topstories/article/190334/250/New-High-Tech-Taser-being-used-in-Polk-County

Schools may ban chocolate milk over added sugar

Posted: 09 May 2011 03:08 PM PDT

By CHRISTINA HOAG, Associated Press, news.yahoo.com

LOS ANGELES – Chocolate milk has long been seen as the spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down, but the nation’s childhood obesity epidemic has a growing number of people wondering whether that’s wise.

With schools under increasing pressure to offer healthier food, the staple on children’s cafeteria trays has come under attack over the very ingredient that made it so popular — sugar.

Some school districts have gone as far as prohibiting flavored milk, and Florida considered a statewide ban in schools. Other districts have sought a middle ground by replacing flavored milks containing high-fructose corn syrup with versions containing sugar, which some see as a more natural sweetener.

Los Angeles Unified, the nation’s second-largest school district, is the latest district to tackle the issue. Superintendent John Deasy recently announced he would push this summer to remove chocolate and strawberry milk from school menus.

But nutritionists — and parents — are split over whether bans make sense, especially when about 70 percent of milk consumed in schools is flavored, mostly chocolate, according to the industry-backed Milk Processors Education Program.

Many, including the School Nutrition Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Dietetic Association, American Heart Association, and National Medical Association, argue that the nutritional value of flavored low-fat or skim milk outweighs the harm of added sugar. Milk contains nine essential nutrients including calcium, vitamin D and protein.

A joint statement from those groups points to studies that show kids who drink fat-free, flavored milk meet more of their nutrient needs and are not heavier than non-milk drinkers.

“Chocolate milk has been unfairly pegged as one of the causes of obesity,” said Julie Buric, vice president of marketing for the Milk Processors Education Program.

To read more, visit:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110509/ap_on_re_us/us_food_and_farm_chocolate_milk

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