Friday, November 4, 2011

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Judge tosses Jesse Ventura’s airport scans lawsuit

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:38 AM PDT

From: Associated Press

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura in which he sought to challenge the use of full-body scans and pat-downs at airport checkpoints.

Ventura sued the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration in January alleging that the scans and pat-downs violated his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizure.

U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson ruled Thursday that the court lacked jurisdiction.

Ventura claimed that the titanium hip implanted in him in 2008 sets off metal detectors and that agents previously used hand-held wands to scan his body. He says he was subjected to a body pat-down after an airport metal detector went off last November.

Ventura’s attorney says Ventura will comment Friday outside the St. Paul federal courthouse.

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Freddie Mac seeks further $6bn from taxpayers

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:32 AM PDT

By Shahien Nasiripour,

Freddie Mac, the US-controlled mortgage financier, has requested an additional $6bn from US taxpayers, following a $4.4bn third-quarter loss, the company's worst three-month performance in more than a year.

The home loan group said more homeowners were falling behind on their obligations and it could not count on mortgage insurers to reimburse the company for losses. Freddie set aside $3.6bn in provisions for credit losses, its highest total since the third quarter of last year.

The additional $6bn brings its total bailout from the government to $72.2bn, of which $14.9 has been returned in the form of dividends. Fannie Mae, Freddie's much larger rival, is due to report its earnings in the coming days.

Freddie's deteriorating financial position underscores the poor state of the US housing market. Sales are down, delinquencies are rising and the pipeline of seized homes due to flood the market is growing ever larger. Home prices, which had begun slowly to rise in late 2009 and early 2010, are falling again, sowing anxiety among homeowners and sapping their desire to spend.

"The housing sector [is] very important," Ben Bernanke, US Federal Reserve chairman, said this week. "The problems in that sector are clearly a big reason why our economy is not recovering more quickly."
The share of borrowers one month behind on their payments rose 2 basis points quarter on quarter to 1.94 per cent. The share of homeowners two months past due also ticked up, with the delinquency rate rising 3bp quarter on quarter to 0.7 per cent. Both measures have risen since the first quarter of the year.

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Lasers Power Pentagon’s Next-Gen Artificial Limbs

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:24 AM PDT

By Katie Drummond,

The Pentagon's already got brain-controlled prosthetics, and they are a major improvement over old-school artificial limbs. The devices are far from perfect, however. They rely on metal implants, which aren't compatible with the body's tissues, and they can only transmit a few signals at a time — turning what should be a simple movement into a Herculean task.

Now, Darpa-funded researchers are convinced they've found a way to make prosthetics truly life-like: laser beams.

A team led by experts at Southern Methodist University is making swift progress towards prosthetic devices that rely on fiber-optics, and would offer a wearer the kind of seamless movement and sensation experienced with a flesh-and-blood limb.

"Already, we're tantalizingly close," Dr. Marc Christensen, the program's leader, tells Danger Room. "We haven't seen anything that's been a deal-breaker yet."

It all started in 2005, when researchers at Vanderbilt realized they could trigger a nerve using infrared light. The finding catalyzed a handful of research projects investigating the prospect of laser-powered prostheses, and Darpa last year doled out $5.6 million for the creation of the Neurophotonics Research Center, led by SMU, for the development of prosthetic devices powered by infrared lasers.

A fiber-optic prosthetic for a human patient would likely be a cuff — loaded with optical cables — affixed at one end to a prosthetic, and attached at the other to the body's severed nerves. Those are a decade off, but already, researchers say they've nearly climbed the project's biggest hurdle: Developing sensors with enough sensitivity to detect — and trigger — the infinitesimally small perturbations of a single activated nerve.

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Inactivity boosts cancer risk, research finds

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:21 AM PDT

By Jennifer LaRue Huget,

Too much time spent sitting increases the risk of developing cancer, even for those who exercise regularly. That's according to research presented Thursday morning at the American Institute for Cancer Research’s annual conference.

The AICR presented data suggesting that about 100,000 new cases of breast cancer and colon cancer per year can be associated with physical inactivity. One study presented at the conference and published in October in the journal Cancer Prevention Research found that among post-menopausal women, taking frequent breaks from sitting was associated with smaller waist circumference and lower levels of C-reactive proteins, both biomarkers associated with elevated risk of some cancers. In an analysis of data for 4,757 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) published in the European Heart Journal, even short periods of light activity — frequently standing up and walking for as little as a minute at time — reduced risk for such biomarkers as large waist circumference, elevated triglyceride levels and increased insulin resistance, which are linked to heightened cardiovascular disease but might also boost cancer risk.

Taken together and in the context of earlier research, the new information suggests that even small increases in our physical activity may pay off in spades.

To illustrate how inactivity relates to cancer risk, the AICR developed this infographic showing how small episodes of movement throughout the day can add up.

The AICR's press materials note that while the recommended 30 minutes of daily physical activity goes a long way in keeping people healthy, the remaining 23.5 hours in a day matter, too. The AICR suggests setting your computer to remind you to get up and walk around every 60 minutes, to stand or walk around while talking on the phone, to deliver messages to the colleague down the hall in person rather than by e-mail, to conduct meetings while taking a walk rather than sitting at a conference table and to use light hand weights to work your muscles even when seated at your desk.

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Romney, at tea party event, to propose cuts in Amtrak, foreign aid, public broadcasting

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:16 AM PDT


EXETER, N.H. — Mitt Romney will address one of the 2012 presidential contest's defining issues when he offers his plan to slash federal spending before a gathering of tea party activists.

The Republican presidential hopeful and former Massachusetts governor was to deliver his most detailed fiscal policy speech so far before a gathering Friday of conservative activists at the Washington Convention Center, where the tea party-allied group Americans for Prosperity is holding a two-day event.

Romney has struggled to win over tea party supporters, and his plan will not go as far as some would like. But he says he would cut $500 billion in his first term as president.

He would strip Amtrak of federal subsidies, which could threaten the survival of the popular rail network. He would force deep cuts on the National Endowment for the Arts, the Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. And he would cut foreign aid to "countries that can take care of themselves" or those "that don't line up with our interests," he told a New Hampshire audience Thursday night, offering a preview of his Washington address.

Romney said that unless the U.S. takes drastic action, it is headed for a fiscal crisis equal to that in Greece. And he said the fight to cut spending will affect both America's national security and its moral standing in the world.

"We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in," Romney said.

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Few top Republicans coming to Florida Tea Party Convention

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:12 AM PDT


TAMPA –Vice President Joe Biden stirred up the Florida Democratic Party’s convention last weekend; all the prominent Republican presidential and Senate candidates attended the state Republican Party’s Presidency 5 state convention in September.

But the Florida Tea Party Convention being held this weekend in Daytona Beach doesn’t seem to be getting that that kind of respect.

Very few of the top Republican presidential and Senate candidates and Florida elected officials plan to attend the event, which begins today, and is scheduled to include Senate and presidential candidate forums.

Most are citing scheduling conflicts, government business or the pressure of campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire as their reasons for missing the event.

But political experts say the declining public reputation of the tea party movement may also be part of the reason.

Among the invitees:

The state’s two leading elected Republicans, Gov. Rick Scott and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, won’t be there, although both are listed as speakers on the schedule for the three-day event.

Of the major presidential candidates, only Rick Santorum confirmed to the Tampa Tribune this week that he’s attending. Ron Paul’s campaign couldn’t be reached for comment; the event isn’t on his campaign web site schedule, although event organizers said he’ll be there. Spokesmen for Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney all said they won’t make it.

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Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make – 14 New Ways That The Government Is Watching You

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 10:08 AM PDT


If you live in the United States today, you need to understand that your privacy is being constantly eroded. Our world is going crazy, government paranoia is off the charts and law enforcement authorities have become absolutely obsessed with watching us, listening to us, tracking us, recording us, compiling information on all of us and getting us all to spy on one another.

If you doubt that we are rapidly getting to the point where the government will monitor every breath you take and every move you make, just read the rest of this article. The truth is that the government is watching you more closely than ever, and they are spending billions upon billions of dollars to enhance their surveillance capabilities even further. If our society stays on this current path, we will eventually have zero privacy left.

At this point, it is not too hard to imagine a society where we will not be able to say anything, buy anything, sell anything, assemble with others or even leave our homes without government permission. We truly are descending into a dystopian nightmare and the American people had better wake up.

Sadly, most people living in the United States and in Europe do not realize what is happening. Most of them think that everything is just fine. The "Big Brother control grid" that is being constructed all over the western world squeezes all of us just a little bit tighter every single day, and most people don't even feel it.

But when you step back and take a look at the big picture, it truly is horrifying.

The following are 14 new ways that the government is watching you….

#1 In many areas of the United States today, you will be arrested if you do not produce proper identification for the police. In the old days, "your papers please" was a phrase that we used to use to mock the tyranny of Nazi Germany. But now all of us are being required to be able to produce "our papers" for law enforcement authorities at any time. For example, a 21-year-old college student named Samantha Zucker was recently arrested and put in a New York City jail for 36 hours just because she could not produce any identification for police.

#2 The federal government has decided that what you and I share with one another on Facebook and on Twitter could be a threat to national security. According to a recent Associated Press article, the Department of Homeland Security will soon be "gleaning information from sites such as Twitter and Facebook for law enforcement purposes".
Other law enforcement agencies are getting into the act as well. For example, the NYPD recently created a special "social media" unit dedicated to looking for criminals on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

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Ventura: Americans Should Riot If Ron Paul Excluded From Debates

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 10:02 AM PDT

By: Paul Joseph Watson,

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura told the Alex Jones Show that Americans should riot in the streets if Ron Paul is excluded from the presidential debates if, as many expect, he ends up being the Libertarian Party candidate following the conclusion of the Republican nomination.

Ventura said that Paul should remain in the Republican debates until the end of the process to take advantage of the free air time.

"He's playing it brilliantly, ride that Republican wagon all the way until they boot him off, which you know they will. And then as soon as they boot him off it….then he should immediately jump to the Libertarian Party who have ballot access in virtually every state," said Ventura, adding that Paul would still attract numbers big enough to mandate his inclusion in the debates.

"If they don't include him in the debates, we should start rioting in the streets," Ventura remarked.

The question of whether or not Ron Paul will seek the Libertarian nomination if he fails to win the Republican primaries has been a hot topic of recent political debate.

Libertarian Party leaders have responded enthusiastically to the idea of Paul running as a third party candidate under their banner. "Absolutely, that would be fabulous," Jim Lesczynski, media relations director for the Manhattan Libertarian Party, recently told ABC News.

Paul himself has been more guarded about the idea, largely dismissing the prospect of switching parties, but that's to be expected so long as he remains in a strong position in the Republican race.

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Some 15% of U.S. Uses Food Stamps

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 09:55 AM PDT

By Phil Izzo, The Wall Street Journal

Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in August, as the number of recipients hit 45.8 million.

Food stamp rolls have risen 8.1% in the past year, the Department of Agriculture reported, though the pace of growth has slowed from the depths of the recession.

The number of recipients in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), may continue to rise in coming months as families continue to struggle with high unemployment and September's data will likely include disaster assistance tied to the destruction and flooding caused by Hurricane Irene.

Mississippi reported the largest share of its population relying on food stamps, more than 21%. One in five residents in New Mexico, Tennessee, Oregon and Louisiana also were food stamp recipients.

Food stamp rolls exploded during the downturn, which began in late 2007. Even after the recession came to its official end in June 2009, families continued to tap into food assistance as unemployment remained high and those lucky enough to find jobs were often met with lower wages.

States also made changes to make it easier for residents to tap into the program, such as waiving requirements that limited the value of assets food stamp recipients could own.

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Ron Paul Feels Like A Canary In A Coal Mine

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 09:51 AM PDT

By Sophie Quinton,

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas., said Thursday that there’s a reason why his presidential campaign lacks media attention: he’s speaking truth to power.

"I think I’m attacking the status quo like never before," Paul said on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe.’ "They’re not going to give me a boost because I’m challenging the whole banking system, the military industrial complex, the welfare state, our foreign policy."

"I think there’s a lot more support out there for what I’m talking about than they realize," Paul said.

Paul pointed to a recent straw poll win in California and enthusiastic crowds at the University of Iowa as evidence that his libertarian ideas have gained traction. Paul is notorious for attracting enthusiastic crowds of college students.

The crisis in the euro-zone is just the latest proof that the world system has gone awry, Paul said. "This whole economy has no cards left to play," he said, "just as communism went to the dogs."

"We all face the same problem: nobody wants to admit the truth," Paul said of indebted Western nations. "The world is bankrupt, the system is bankrupt, it’s not viable, and we’re facing the same consequences because we spent way beyond our means and nobody wants to cut."

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