Monday, June 8, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party
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Federal Reserve to hire former Enron lobbyist

Posted: 08 Jun 2009 06:51 AM PDT

America’s elite central bank is hiring a veteran lobbyist to improve its public image.  This should be enough to sound the alarm bells of suspicion.  Can you blame them, though?  The Fed failed to predict the current crisis, devalued the Dollar by over 30% since 2002, inflated the real estate bubble with artificially low rates, and printed trillions of dollars out of thin air to rescue its buddies on Wall St.  Throughout the unfolding crisis, it colluded with the Federal Government, Treasury Department, and several, monolithic Wall St. firms, thus eroding its claim of monetary independence as a “private” bank.

A growing number of politicians, Republican, Democrat, and Independent, are growing wise to this act.  The American people are learning more and more about the Fed’s inflationary monetary policies.  Politicians are demanding more accountability and greater transparency.  The people are reading books about a banking institution they once knew nothing about.

Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, broke tradition and appeared on 60 minutes for a public interview.  Now, the Fed’s about to hire a veteran lobbyist, who worked for the scandalized Enron, as well as the Treasury Department under then President Bill Clinton.  Seems like somebody’s just a little bit worried.

Read here.


Famous Reagan quote

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 07:09 PM PDT

In an interview, the late Ronald Reagan once stated, “I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.”  To be clear, this blog is not meant as an endorsement of the libertarian party.   It is neutral on the issue.  However, it is a thought provoking statement worth careful examination.

What do you think former President Ronald Reagan meant by this statement?  What could we reasonably infer from his poignant insight? Let’s hear your thoughts.


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