Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party
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Obliterating the False Distinction Between Left and Right

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 02:05 PM PDT

Do you agree that the Tea Party movement is grassroots democracy in action?

Do you believe that all people, regardless of any outward attribute such as race or gender, should expect fair treatment and equal justice under the law?

Do you agree that that the Tea Party movement is an attempt to present our redress of grievances in a peaceful, non-violent manner?

Do you believe that the centralization of power in Washington DC is one of the greatest threats, if not the greatest threat, to our freedom today?

Do you want to leave future generations a cleaner, healthier environment?

Do you agree that we oppose the bailout and the Federal Reserve because the massive debt they are sticking to us is unmanageable and unsustainable?

If you answered yes to these questions, then congratulations!  You could find yourself right at home in the “progressive” movement.

We are quickly coming to realize that the labels "liberal," "conservative," "left," and "right," just do not fit in with our reality.  We need to toss those labels aside and start talking with each other simply as Americans.

Politicians, and the corporate mainstream media which fawns after them, love to turn our labels against us.  It's the oppressors' oldest trick in the book – divide and conquer.  If they can keep us fighting with each other, they can keep us distracted while they rob us of our money and our freedom.

The dividing line is no longer between left and right.  The division in our society is now between the robbers and the robbed.

Just looking at our shared beliefs without considering where they came from, we find that the left and the right are coming to agreement on very wide range of the major issues of our time.

Many on the “left” have been talking about "corporatism" for years.  Now, many on the “right” are waking up to the fact that these “left wing” thinkers were right about corporatism all along.

We all want to live our lives for the benefit of ourselves, our families, and our communities as we choose.  We're tired of being told we have to live our lives for the benefit of companies that keep the politicians supplied with campaign contributions.

We agree that the politicians work for the people, not the other way around.  We all demand accountability, and we all demand that our voices be heard.

We are beginning to realize that when a progressive or a liberal talks about social justice, while a libertarian or a conservative speaks of individual rights, we are talking about the exact same thing.  Maybe we use different examples and different terminology, but we all agree the Bill of Rights is a great way to start the conversation.

We agree that violence is not a political solution.  We agree wholeheartedly that we will defend ourselves, and we will come to the aid of our neighbors, whether the force which threatens us comes from an individual, a corporation, or a government.

We all oppose the bailout for the exact same reason – it is the most massive centralization of wealth and power in human history.  With one voice, we say "NO!" to stealing the wealth of future generations to hand it over to the special interests who have bought off our politicians.

We all assert our right to do business with companies we choose and not the corporations the government forces upon us because they have been deemed "too big to fail."

We all are acting now because we recognize our responsibility to future generations.  We refuse to leave our mess for them to clean up.  We want to leave our children and their children a debt-free economy, a clean planet, and a respectful society.

Once we see through these labels designed to set us against each other, once we take a moment to try to translate our beliefs into the language of others, we find we have an historic opportunity to move beyond our labels and become united as one people.

It is time for all Americans to move past the shallow debate of which team should win control of the White House or Congress, and enter into the more meaningful discussion of how we can cooperate to restore our freedom.

To people already in the Tea Party movement, now is the time to reach out across the aisle and tell the liberals and progressives that they belong with us when we take to the streets again on July 4th.

To our friends on the left, we welcome you with open arms.  When the media sees us marching down Main Street arm in arm, they can no longer lie to you and say the Tea Party movement is just a Republican Party pep rally.

Let us come together as one nation, one people, and take back our government!  Please join us at your local Tea Party on July 4th!


Geithner assures China that the US will tackle its huge budget deficits

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 08:06 AM PDT

China is  is growing increasingly nervous about exploding budget deficits, skyrocketing debt, and a deteriorating Dollar in the United States.  We’ve borrowed $1 trillion or more from the Chinese to fund our massive budget deficits over the years, and China is worried that it could get paid back in worthless Dollars.  During the Bush administration, deficits surged, debt doubled, and the Dollar lost more and more of value.  Now, under the Obama administration, deficits, debt, and Dollar devaluation are accelerating at an even faster pace.

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China is ratcheting up pressure on the US to gets its financial house in order.  Already, China is conducting more trade deals in other currencies, purchasing gold and copper reserves at more rapid rates, and raising the idea of a new, international basket of currencies to replace the once-dominant US Dollar.

However, our Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is assuring China that we will take the tough steps to get our budget deficits under control.  He is also telling China that the US seeks to maintain a strong Dollar policy.  Talk is cheap, though.  Currently, we’re approaching a $2 trillion budget deficit, and according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), we’ll be running approximately $1 trillion deficits for years to come.  As far as the US Dollar Index, in 2002, it hit 120.  Now, it’s floating just under 80.  Under Bush, the Dollar lost 25-30% of its value, and under Obama thus far, the Dollar has dropped by about 10%.

While our government talks about more responsible budgets and a strong Dollar, we continue to spend even more money and further devalue our currency.  China is becoming wise to this act.  So are the American people.


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