Friday, May 29, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party
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Does Cheney contradict himself on fiscal matters?

Posted: 28 May 2009 12:25 PM PDT

CNBC money man, Larry Kudlow, sat down with Dick Cheney and asked him some tough questions on the economy.  Though Cheney offered criticism of Obama’s massive spending and unprecedented government intervention in the free market, Kudlow confronted him about some of the huge expenditures, large-scale government bailouts, and unforseen consequences of the Bush administration’s fiscal policies.

Read more

Cheney:  “And what we've been seeing, though, and what's been advocated by the president and what looks to be in store if he's successful is that we're seeing a vast expansion, not only the power of the federal government over the private sector, but also in terms of spending…And I do think it's a more liberal agenda, if you will, than any in recent memory.

Kudlow: But, in truth, isn't it fair to say that many of these policies, central planning policies, command and control interference policies, whether it's socialism-light or European market social kinds of policies, they really began under the Bush-Cheney administration, did they not?..At what point President Bush, I believe, said we have to — we have to stop — we have to suspend free market capitalism in order to save free market capitalism.”

Cheney:  “I think there's no question but what the tail end of the Bush administration, Bush-Cheney administration, that we took steps specifically geared to try and free up the financial sector…when you get into that kind of situation, the government is the only area of last resort with respect to trying to deal with those issues. You can't fall back on the private sector and say, 'You take care of the nation's banking system.' That's a fundamental function of the government..If it's not working, then the federal government has to deal with it.”

Kudlow:  “But did you anticipate the degree of government control over the banks?”

Cheney:  “No, I don't believe we did. I don't recall any debate within the administration.”

Kudlow:  “But what would you be doing differently right now?”

Cheney:  “Well, I think the budgets he submitted are way out of whack. I think what it does not only to the short-term deficit but long-term debt situation is very objectionable.”

Kudlow:  “Some people are worried the United States is going to lose its AAA credit rating.”

Cheney:  “Well, that's got to be of concern…So I don't hear anybody in the administration expressing concern over that massive growth in the national debt and what's that going to mean long-term in terms of our currency, in terms of inflation.”

The interview goes on and on to discuss a variety of other topics.  Throughout Cheney’s and Kudlow’s interview, it appears as if Cheney supports free market capitalism and fiscal responsibility.  Kudlow attempts to nail him down on the Bush administration’s majority ownership of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the $700 billion bank bailout, the AIG bailout, the first GM loan, etc.  But, Cheney seems to be justifying these actions taken by the Federal Government under his watch.  In addition, while Cheney criticizes the budget deficits, national debt, and inflation potential under Obama, he doesn’t even mention (nor does Kudlow) that Bush-Cheney never balanced the budget, doubled the national debt, and that the US Dollar lost about 25-30% of its value.  He (Cheney) does acknowledge, however, that the Bush-Cheney administration failed to predict the extent to which the Federal Government would utilize TARP and other bailout packages to expand its power and influence over the private sector.

What do you think?  Is Cheney trying to have it both ways?

Read the interview here.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Obama nominates Latina to Supreme Court

Posted: 26 May 2009 01:13 PM PDT

In what is sure to be a contentious debate, Obama nominated Federal Appeals Judge, Sonia Sotomayor to replace Justice Souter.  Some are hailing this decision as a victory for gender and racial equality.  Others are worried about some of her previous statements regarding race, gender, and applying personal bias when interpreting constitutional law.  Still others  claim that the philosophical slant of the Court will be left unchanged.

What do you think?  What criteria should be applied to selecting a Supreme Court Justice?  Do race and gender have a role to play?  Or should unbiased interpretation and strict application of the Constitution trump all other considerations?

Read here.


California Supreme Court upholds gay marriage ban

Posted: 26 May 2009 01:02 PM PDT

Early last year, the California Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples the right to marry.  About 18,000 gay couples married before California voters passed Proposition 8 in November, banning gay marriage.

Today, the state Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 8, although it allowed the 18,000 or so same-sex couples to remain married.  Gay rights activists pledge to resume the fight.

The majority 6-1 ruling made a very compelling statement, claiming they were “limited to interpreting and applying the principles and rules embodied in the California Constitution, setting aside our own personal beliefs and values.”

Here are some questions worth considering:

Do you think the California court upheld its constitutional duty? Do you think the Government has the right to define marriage?  What if a majority of voters passes a new proposition allowing gay marriage in the future?

Read here.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

In honor of Memorial Day

Posted: 25 May 2009 02:15 PM PDT

ReTeaParty would like to extend its most hearty gratitude to the men and women who died while serving our nation.  These brave souls paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving and defending the US Constitution, and we are eternally grateful.  For those who currently serve, and for those families who continue to make an immense sacrifice on our behalf, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We pledge to honor your sacrifice by reigniting liberty, fighting for our Constitution, and restoring the vision of our Founding Fathers.  You did not give your lives to see a nation collapse under a sea of debt, a worthless Dollar, a tyrannical Federal Government, and gutless politicians.  No, you  sacrificed for a whole lot more, and we intend on paying homage to your fine example by fighting to save this great nation before it’s too late.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Grayson proposes Paid Vacation Act

Posted: 21 May 2009 06:57 AM PDT

Democratic Rep., Alan Grayson, is introducing the Paid Vacation Act, legislation that would require private companies with more than 100 employees to pay for a week’s vacation, for both full time and part-time employees after a year on the job.  Three years after legislation is passed, companies with 50 or more employees would have to pay a week’s vacation as well.

Supporters claim the federal legislation would decrease the number of sick days, improve productivity, and boost employee happiness.  Detractors, however, counter that a one-size-fits-all mandate is not the answer, nor will it positively affect small businesses.  Others opposed also claim that small businesses would cap new employment so they wouldn’t have to pay the extra expenses.

What do you think?  Should the federal government mandate paid vacation for private corporations?  Does it possess the constitutional authority to do so?  Would it help or hurt private business?

Read here.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

California voters demand budget cuts

Posted: 20 May 2009 06:51 AM PDT

California voters  defeated a special election of budget measures that would have implemented a combination of higher taxes, increased borrowing, funding shifts, and spending reforms to deal with a record budget deficit.

Will the state government make the painful, but necessary, spending cuts?  Or, will the Obama administration step in and bail out California?

Read here.


Get ready to pay more for your car

Posted: 19 May 2009 09:44 AM PDT

The Obama administration is set to announce the first-ever national emissions limit for vehicles, a change that will result in the price of a vehicle rising $1,300 by 2016.  Some are hailing this as the renaissance of green technology and a cleaner planet, while others are criticizing it for its excessive federal regulation and detrimental impact on hard working consumers.

Administration officials claim the real price increase will only be $600 per vehicle, since the other $700 had already been approved.  They also claim that consumers will recover this loss through cheaper gas prices, as long as gas prices follow government projections.  In addition, officials claim that consumers will save more throughout the car’s lifetime despite the additional, upfront expense.

What do you think?  Is this good for the environment?  What could be some of the constitutional and economic ramifications?

Read here.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

After the Tea Parties, Run for Office!

Posted: 18 May 2009 11:33 AM PDT

We get a lot of questions about why would be so involved in supporting and the Tea Party movement in general.  What does ballot access reform have to do with these Tea Parties?

Our main mission at Free and Equal is to break down ballot access barriers by any peaceful means available.  Whether it is by petitioning to get candidates and parties on the ballot, supporting initiatives which reduce barriers to participation, lobbying state legislatures to reform their laws, filing and supporting lawsuits to strike these barriers down, or mobilizing public opinion to bring electoral reform to the forefront of the political debate, Free and Equal intends to be there.

However, ballot access is not an end unto itself.  Electoral reform is just one important way to achieve a much more fundamental goal.  Constitutional government can happen only when every citizen has an equal share of the rights and responsibilities to run it.

That's where the Tea Parties come in.  The achievement of this goal becomes possible when educated people are willing to rise up and take back their government.  The Tea Party movement is the strongest outpouring of this activity in America today.  We are excited to be able to help it along any way we can.  Everything we do is a reflection of our independence and our desire to return political power to its rightful owners.

Free and Equal has established a goal make sure every federal race in 2010 is contested by an independent minded candidate, whatever their party affiliation.  In the Tea Party movement, we see an army of regular citizens who would do a much better job of representing the people at every level of government than the current crop of professional politicians.

The hardest step to take when one becoming active in politics, is taking the first one.  We are told so many lies to inhibit our participation.  The truth is, yes indeed, you can fight City Hall.  You are not alone.  One person can indeed make a difference.

Here's another truth of which the politicians are keenly aware, one they are desperately hoping you'll forget – they can only stay in office with our consent.

Those of us in the Tea Party movement have taken that first step.  We have reclaimed our Constitutional right to peacefully seek redress of grievances.

The Tea Party can not and will not end on July 4th.  What will happen when people leave the rally?

During the Vietnam War, I was in elementary school.  My teachers told me that communist countries like Vietnam or the Soviet Union claim to hold free elections, but that is a lie because they only allow one government approved candidate on the ballot.

These days, I walk into the voting booth and see race after race with only one or two government approved candidate on the ballot that have a legitimate shot.  And I have to ask myself, what country am I living in again?

We can no longer afford to give the career politicians a free pass.  They have no incentive to change their ways until the people have an opportunity to choose something else on Election Day.

To those who will make this challenge, the Tea Party movement offers you an army of politically savvy and motivated supporters.  You will not be alone when you answer the call to enter public service by running for office.

Our organizations remain completely nonpartisan because we recognize the system we live in today.  People ready to redeclare our independence reside in all parties.

Free and Equal naturally encourages people to run as independents or under a third party banner.  At the same time, we recognize that living in this two-party system means many good candidates will choose to run as a Democrat or a Republican for purely practical reasons.

We are working to create an environment where party labels mean less than one's individual convictions.  We invite all candidates to seek the support of the Tea Party movement.

There is no formal process to seek this support.  The people in this movement, not us organizers, will decide which candidates merit their support.

We are looking for candidates who will uphold the principles of fair treatment and equal justice under the law.

We want candidates who oppose bailouts, the rise of our national debt and the favoritism of corporate welfare.

We need candidates who will defend our Constitutional rights to privacy, fair trials and free expression.

We seek candidates who have a record of transparency, people we can trust to be honest and direct with the people that elect them.

We put out the call now – start planning to run for office for 2010.  Know that the average citizen can do a better job representing the people that the professional politicians.

To those of you who will answer this call and challenge the incumbent political class, there's a whole lot of great people already here to help you.


Bigger and better?

Posted: 18 May 2009 07:31 AM PDT

Will the July 4 Tea Parties surpass the April 15 turnout? Will they gain more widespread attention in the national media?  Will they attract more Independents and Democrats?

Let’s hear some of your predictions.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Fox News Poll

Posted: 15 May 2009 10:43 AM PDT

According to a Fox News poll, the majority of Americans desire smaller government and less spending.  Here’s a breakdown of the relevant results:

54%  believe Obama is spending too much

35%  believe his spending is about right

6%  say it’s not enough

Here’s how the above numbers break down across the political spectrum:

61% of Democrats think Obama’s spending is about right

85% of Republicans think he’s spending too much

61% of Independents think he’s spending too much

Read more

Regarding budget cuts, 60% of Americans believe Obama is not making enough budget cuts.  Here’s how this statistic breaks down across the political spectrum:

38% of Democrats think he should cut more

84% of Republicans think he should cut more

66% of Independents think he should cut more

What do you think about the results of this poll?


Friday, May 15, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Obliterating the False Distinction Between Left and Right

Posted: 14 May 2009 02:33 PM PDT

Do you agree that the Tea Party movement is grassroots democracy in action?

Do you believe that all people, regardless of any outward attribute such as race or gender, should expect fair treatment and equal justice under the law?

Do you agree that that the Tea Party movement is an attempt to present our redress of grievances in a peaceful, non-violent manner?

Do you believe that the centralization of power in Washington DC is one of the greatest threats, if not the greatest threat, to our freedom today?

Do you want to leave future generations a cleaner, healthier environment?

Do you agree that we oppose the bailout and the Federal Reserve because the massive debt they are sticking to us is unmanageable and unsustainable?

If you answered yes to these questions, then congratulations!  You could find yourself right at home in the progressive movement.

We are quickly coming to realize that the labels "liberal," "conservative," "left," and "right," just do not fit in with our reality.  We need to toss those labels aside and start talking with each other simply as Americans.

Politicians, and the corporate mainstream media which fawns after them, love to turn our labels against us.  It's the oppressors' oldest trick in the book – divide and conquer.  If they can keep us fighting with each other, they can keep us distracted while they rob us of our money and our freedom.

The dividing line is no longer between left and right.  The division in our society is now between the robbers and the robbed.

Just looking at our shared beliefs without considering where they came from, we find that the left and the right are coming to agreement on very wide range of the major issues of our time.

Progressives have been talking about "corporatism" for years.  Conservatives are waking up to the fact that these progressive thinkers were right about corporatism all along.

We all want to live our lives for the benefit of ourselves, our families, and our communities as we choose.  We're tired of being told we have to live our lives for the benefit of companies that keep the politicians supplied with campaign contributions.

We agree that the politicians work for the people, not the other way around.  We all demand accountability, and we all demand that our voices be heard.

We are beginning to realize that when a progressive or a liberal talks about social justice, while a libertarian or a conservative speaks of individual rights, we are talking about the exact same thing.  Maybe we use different examples and different terminology, but we all agree the Bill of Rights is a great way to start the conversation.

We agree that violence is not a political solution.  We agree wholeheartedly that we will defend ourselves, and we will come to the aid of our neighbors, whether the force which threatens us comes from an individual, a corporation, or a government.

We all oppose the bailout for the exact same reason – it is the most massive centralization of wealth and power in human history.  With one voice, we say "NO!" to stealing the wealth of future generations to hand it over to the special interests who have bought off our politicians.

We all assert our right to do business with companies we choose and not the corporations the government forces upon us because they have been deemed "too big to fail."

We all are acting now because we recognize our responsibility to future generations.  We refuse to leave our mess for them to clean up.  We want to leave our children and their children a debt-free economy, a clean planet, and a respectful society.

Once we see through these labels designed to set us against each other, once we take a moment to try to translate our beliefs into the language of others, we find we have an historic opportunity to move beyond our labels and become united as one people.

It is time for all Americans to move past the shallow debate of which team should win control of the White House or Congress, and enter into the more meaningful discussion of how we can cooperate to restore our freedom.

To people already in the Tea Party movement, now is the time to reach out across the aisle and tell the liberals and progressives that they belong with us when we take to the streets again on July 4th.

To our friends on the left, we welcome you with open arms.  When the media sees us marching down Main Street arm in arm, they can no longer lie to you and say the Tea Party movement is just a Republican Party pep rally.

Let us come together as one nation, one people, and take back our government!  Please join us at your local Tea Party on July 4th!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Even more ways to pay for healthcare

Posted: 13 May 2009 08:49 AM PDT

Adding to the previous blog, Congress is also considering cutting medical costs by reducing sodium levels in packaged foods and at restaurants.  Just imagine the possibilities.  The Federal Government could micromanage every milligram we ingest.  But wait, what about the number of breaths each of us takes each day?  Another possibility being considered is putting a cap on the deduction for charitable giving.  Talk about de-incentivizing generosity.

Congress and its panel of economic “experts” continue to outdo themselves.  Tax everything that moves, micromanage our sodium intake, and punish charitable giving.  Yep, these sound like real worldbeaters.


Congress looking for ways to pay for health care plan

Posted: 13 May 2009 08:35 AM PDT

Democratic leadership is considering a myriad of tax increases to fund a potentially monolithic health care package.  Ideas being thrown around include higher taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, and sodas.  Other proposals include taxing company health benefits and health savings accounts.

Here’s an idea.  Why not just get it over with and tax everything to pay for all this spending?  Tax the people.  Tax the animals.  Tax the trees.  Heck, why not even tax the microscopic organisms that live in the soil?

Now, before a torrent of Democrat and Obama bashing ensues, let’s remember that the Bush administration and a largely Republican Congress cut a whole slew of taxes.  Yet, the budget was never balanced, and the national debt doubled.  That’s because federal spending exploded.

It’s a stark reminder that cutting or raising taxes by themselves won’t cure our ills.  It’s all about the spending.  We print too much, borrow too much, and spend too much. Until we cut spending, and cut it significantly, no amount of tax cuts or tax hikes will forestall the day of reckoning for our nation.

Read the article here.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Govt. runs first April deficit since 1983

Posted: 12 May 2009 12:04 PM PDT

Despite April being tax month, the Federal Government ran a budget deficit for the first time in 26 years.  Many blame a massive surge in government spending, more corporate bailouts, and rising unemployment for the lackluster tax receipts.  Last year, despite a $450 billion budget deficit, even the Bush administration and a Democratic Congress were able to generate a sizeable surplus in April.

To be fair, however, while the Obama administration and current Democratic Congress have accelerated the pace of deficit spending to dizzying levels, the Bush administration, in conjunction with a Democratic led Congress, passed over $700 billion in government bailouts.  The Bush administration supported these gargantuan bailouts, McCain and Obama voted for them, and a whole lot of other Democrats and Republicans voted for them as well.  There’s plenty of blame to go around.

Read here.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party


Posted: 11 May 2009 12:00 PM PDT

As the next round of Tea Parties fast approaches, we need to ask ourselves some tough questions in order to provide substantive answers to our detractors.  For example, critics claim that the Tea Party movement is driven almost exclusively by partisan politics.  They claim that the rallies are motivated by anti-Obama & anti-Democrat sentiment.  However, we claim that the protests are non-partisan in nature.

What specific evidence can we point to that would substantiate our claim?  Have any Democrats attended or planned to attend a Tea Party rally?  Have any other political groups, besides those affiliated in some way with the Republican Party, participated thus far?  Have any Republican individuals who were openly critical of the Bush administration been able to contribute?

These are some of the tough questions critics continue to ask.  Let’s hear your answers.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Same slogan, four years apart?

Posted: 08 May 2009 10:59 AM PDT

Some say the Republican and Democratic parties are a lot different.  Others say they’re pretty much the same these days.  How’s this for irony?  One of George W. Bush’s 2004 campaign slogans was “Yes, America Can!”  One of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign slogans was “Yes We Can!”

Read here.


AIG & GM post 1st quarter losses

Posted: 08 May 2009 07:24 AM PDT

Despite $170 billion of taxpayer money, AIG still managed to post a 1st quarter loss.  And despite $13 billion of taxpayer money, GM still managed to post a 1st quarter loss.  Talk about pouring our money down a black hole.


Fannie Mae wants $19 billion more

Posted: 08 May 2009 07:13 AM PDT

Mortgage finance giant, Fannie Mae, already received $15 billion of our money earlier this year.  Now it wants billions more.  If you recall, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were pronounced to be fundamentally sound by Senator Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank before collapsing and being seized by the Bush administration.  The pillaging of the US taxpayer continues.

Read the article here.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Unemployment hits 8.9%

Posted: 08 May 2009 06:32 AM PDT

National unemployment spiked from 8.5% to 8.9% in April. With at least another 539,000 layoffs last month, employers have cut 2.6 million jobs this year so far. Ironically, there was one sector that saw 72,000 new jobs: government. As we all know, there won’t be a whole lot of production here.

How high do you think unemployment will go under President Obama’s administration?

For comparative purposes, here are the unemployment rates under the previous five presidents. Each of these presidents inherited and/or presided over some type of recession.

Jimmy Carter: High- 8.6% Low- 5.6%

Ronald Reagan: High- 10.8% Low- 5.0%

George Bush Sr: High- 7.8% Low- 5.0%

Bill Clinton: High- 7.1% Low- 3.8%

George Bush Jr: High- 7.6% Low- 4.2%


Consumer borrowing plummets

Posted: 07 May 2009 02:11 PM PDT

Many “pundits” are bewailing the fact that consumer borrowing fell to its lowest point in 18 years.  Consumers are beginning to ditch their credit cards and save more during these tough times.  Despite being heralded as bad news, this is a good thing.  This is what we need to as Americans.  Excess borrowing and profligate spending got us into this mess, both as a government and as a nation.  We need to put away our credit cards for awhile, save a little each month, and get our budgets under control.  Yes, the economy will suffer in the short term.  There will be some intense pain for awhile.  Lifestyles will have to undergo a painful adjustment.  However, we will rebuild a foundation based on savings, investment, production, and a strong Dollar.  But, such a policy takes vision and intestinal fortitude.  Washington D.C. and a lot of the Wall St. elites don’t possess either.

Read the article here.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Obama proposes to cut $17 billion in federal spending next year

Posted: 06 May 2009 01:57 PM PDT

This year’s budget is about $3.45 trillion.  The latest Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate puts the budget deficit at approximately $1.85 trillion this year and at least $1.1 trillion next year.  Based on this year’s federal budget, cutting $17 billion would amount to a whopping 0.5% of the budget.

How much would you propose cutting?

Read the article here.


3 of 10 members show up for $787 billion stimulus oversight meeting

Posted: 06 May 2009 07:16 AM PDT

Charged with overseeing, monitoring, and tracking federal distribution of the massive spending bill, only 30% of the subcommittee members showed up for the second meeting aptly titled “Follow the Money Part II”. Two Democrats and one Republican showed up. Of the no-shows, five were Democrats and two were Republicans.

This committee is supposed to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse as nearly $1 trillion of federal money is doled out. Guess most of them had better things to do with their time. Makes you sick, doesn’t it?

Read the article here.
