Friday, April 24, 2009

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Who Are The Real Racists?

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 12:43 AM PDT

In a recent interview with Keith Olbermann, self-proclaimed intellectual, Janeane Garofalo says "let's be very honest about what this [the tea party movement] is about. It's not about bashing Democrats, its not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about. They don't know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the white house. This is racism straight up. This is nothing but a bunch of tea bagging rednecks."

First, Janeane, you are right. This isn't about bashing Democrats. Second, Janeane, you are right. This is not about "taxes".

Now, on to everything else you are wrong about.

Janeane, in December of 1773, the British government gave special tax incentives to the East India Company. In effect, the British government created a monopoly in the tea market that local merchants could not compete with. As a reaction to British legislation, the original American patriots protested the unfair treatment by dumping several crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.

Janeane, if you read the most important historical document in our Nation's history, you would know that our Constitution was written very precisely: To restrain the power of government and protect our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and our ability to pursue happiness.

So, assuming we don't know our history, is it a mere coincidence that hundreds of thousands of people are protesting, now that we have lost habeas corpus? Is it just coincidence that most of us are protesting, now that FISA legislation allows our government to spy on us? Is it just coincidence, that we are pissed off that big banks and business are receiving the fruits of our labor, so they don't face the consequences of their own recklessness? Is it just coincidence, that we are upset that our federal taxes eat up our paycheck to support a federal government that has: a) tripled in size in the last ten years, b) run up 12 figure deficit, mortgaging the labor of "free" Americans and their posterity, and c) demands that we grant them powers designated to the united States of America, by the historical document you claim we don't know anything about?

Or, Janeane, is it possible that you are the racist, unable to see beyond your own biases. Unable to grasp that those who oppose your faith in those who give eloquent speeches may have legitimate objections. Janeane, is it possible that the real racists are those who make racism an issue, when it has nothing to do with the problem.

And Keith Olbermann, by the way, I've respected a number of wonderful Constitutional arguments you made against both Bush and Obama policies. And shame on you for not challenging Janeane, as she spewed her racist garbage.


Paulson Threatened Bank of America CEO?

Posted: 23 Apr 2009 04:53 PM PDT

In his testimony, Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis told New York’s Attorney General that then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson threatened him on December 21st with the prospect of removing the management and Board of Directors of Bank of America if Lewis refused to complete the merger with Merrill Lynch even though Merrill was hemorrhaging money.

Read the Article HERE


Audit the Fed: H.R. 1207

Posted: 23 Apr 2009 10:34 AM PDT

Look in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Do you see the Federal Reserve anywhere? Does an elite, banking cartel possess the constitutional authority to dictate our monetary policy? The Constitution seems to be pretty clear. The US Congress has been given the authority to dictate fiscal and monetary policy.

However, Congress surrendered this authority when it established the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Since then, according to some economists and politicians, the value of the US Dollar has lost about 95% of its value. For example, an item that cost $100 in 1913 would have cost $2015 in 2006. Such is the consequence of a Federal Reserve banking system that has provided cheap credit, manipulated interest rates, and printed trillions of dollars out of thin air for most of the last 96 years.  Read more.

Outrageously, in 2006, the Fed even ceased publishing M3 data, which is the nation’s total money supply. Bernanke claimed it was too expensive to collect all the data. Sure. So now, the Fed can print as much money as it wants, lend this money to whomever it wants, and purchase whatever it wants without any accountability to Congress or the American people.

This is why more and more politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are throwing their support behind HR 1207 . HR 1207 is the bill referred to as “Audit the Fed”. It now has over 50 co-sponsors in Congress and is currently being reviewed by the House Committee on Financial Services. It could be the first big step towards reconstituting Congressional authority over monetary policy, as originally stipulated in the Constitution.

If the government can audit individuals and corporations, why can’t it audit a banking institution that operates trillion dollar balance sheets and effectively determines the value of our nation’s currency?

The time has come to open the books. The time for transparency has arrived. The time for secrecy is over. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are being printed, spent, loaned, and guaranteed by the Federal Reserve without the necessary oversight. This is completely unacceptable. It’s an insult to the American people, and it’s an affront to the Constitution.

What can you do about it?

First, check out the bill HERE. If you would like to see it passed, contact your local congressperson HERE, and tell them to support it.


National debt and past presidents

Posted: 23 Apr 2009 09:15 AM PDT

This Wikipedia article provides a chart documenting federal debt as a percentage of GDP since World War II. Some question the validity of Wikipedia’s statistics at times, so you may want to take this chart with a grain of salt.  Read more

Here are the top 5 in increasing national debt as a percentage of GDP:

1. Ronald Reagan, Republican (Republican majority in Congress)

2. George H.W. Bush, Republican (Democratic majority in Congress)

3. George W. Bush, Republican (Republican majority in Congress)

4. Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford, Republican (Democratic majority in Congress)

President Obama, Democrat, is not yet included in this chart, though according to current budget projections, he will likely shoot to #1 on this list.

Here are the top 5 in decreasing national debt as a percentage of GDP:

1. Franklin Roosevelt/Harry Truman, Democrat (Democratic majority in Congress). However, it must be noted that Roosevelt ballooned national debt during his “New Deal” and World War II.

2. Harry Truman, Democrat (Democratic majority in Congress)

3. Dwight Eisenhower, Republican (Democratic majority in Congress)

4. John F. Kennedy/Lyndon Johnson, Democrat (Democratic majority in Congress)

5. Bill Clinton, Democrat (Republican majority in Congress)

See the chart here.


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