Ron Paul: A New Hope Posted: 26 Jan 2011 02:57 PM PST |
Tea Party 2010 A Year In Review Posted: 26 Jan 2011 02:38 PM PST |
Habeas Corpus… Barely Saved Posted: 26 Jan 2011 02:00 PM PST Once in a while the fading embers of freedom flare with defiant vigor. That happened the other day when the U.S. Supreme Court sternly informed the Bush administration that it may not hold people suspected of being terrorists indefinitely without charge and without judicial review at its prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In a too-close-for-comfort 5-4 ruling, the Court reminded the American people — indeed, the world — that arbitrary power destroys individual liberty. Where government can lock people up and throw away the key — answerable to no one at all — there liberty does not dwell. That is what the Bush administration has aspired to, but last week the Court drew a line. In invoking the cherished principle of habeas corpus, the Court was emphatic: "Protection for the privilege of habeas corpus was one of the few safeguards of liberty specified in a Constitution that, at the outset, had no Bill of Rights…. The Framers viewed freedom from unlawful restraint as a fundamental precept of liberty, and they understood the writ of habeas corpus as a vital instrument to secure that freedom." by Sheldon Richman Read More: |
Bob Cole: Second Amendment not limited to hunting Posted: 26 Jan 2011 01:55 PM PST An Allen County man is suing the Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority because he says it has a resolution restricting his right to free speech.  Second Amendment Not Meant for Hunting Paul Anthony Stanton opposes the heightened security measures recently put in place by the federal Transportation Security Administration, including full-body scans and enhanced pat-downs. In November, Stanton wished to pass out the U.S. Constitution and related materials airport passengers in protest of the security measures. But after contacting Fort Wayne International Airport to receive an OK for his protest, Stanton was sent a resolution that he was told he must abide by during his protest. The airport’s executive director, Tory Richardson, said he could not comment on the lawsuit other than to acknowledge that the airport was aware of the complaint. by Sarah Janssen Read More: |
The importance of Free Speech Posted: 26 Jan 2011 01:50 PM PST An Allen County man is suing the Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority because he says it has a resolution restricting his right to free speech.  Freedom of Speech Paul Anthony Stanton opposes the heightened security measures recently put in place by the federal Transportation Security Administration, including full-body scans and enhanced pat-downs. In November, Stanton wished to pass out the U.S. Constitution and related materials airport passengers in protest of the security measures. But after contacting Fort Wayne International Airport to receive an OK for his protest, Stanton was sent a resolution that he was told he must abide by during his protest. The airport’s executive director, Tory Richardson, said he could not comment on the lawsuit other than to acknowledge that the airport was aware of the complaint. by Sarah Janssen Read More: |
Rep. Sandy Adams Co-Sponsors FairTax Bill to Abolish IRS Posted: 26 Jan 2011 01:42 PM PST Here’s a big swing for the 24th Congressional District. Rep. Sandy Adams is co-sponsoring HR 25, the FairTax bill.  Abolish the IRS Adams, who defeated first-term Democrat Suzanne Kosmas in the East-Central Florida district last fall, signed on to the measure that would abolish the IRS while flattening and simplifying the tax code. "The FairTax isn't about taxes; it's about freedom, jobs and less government intrusion,” said Adams, a former state representative from Oviedo. “Florida residents are fed up with business-as-usual in Washington, D.C., and by signing on as a co-sponsor of the FairTax on the first day of session I am sending a message to my constituents that I heard their concerns and will do everything I can to follow through on their strong desire to fix what is wrong with Congress." by KENRIC WARD Read More: |
Facebook statuses may become ads without any opt-out Posted: 26 Jan 2011 01:36 PM PST Facebook has unveiled a new advertising option for its partners that would allow companies to pull user’s statuses and use them in ads on the service. Called Sponsored Stories, stauses of a user mentioning a company would be able to be used by a company in ads to that user’s friends.  Facebook Privacy Concerns Users would not be able to opt-out of being used in these ads. Facebook said that check-ins to business and places are lost in our ever-moving news feeds, and companies have no way of taking advantage of the marketing potential these statuses could have. Thus, Sponsored Stories would essentially turn any status mentioning a brand into a potential ad. In a video promoting the new offering, Facebook product manager Kent Schoen says our friends influence our purchases. “All of us aren’t out there trying to market ourselves or trying to influence people to go somewhere or do something,” Schoen says. “But the reality is when we make a decision, we’re looking for information, and we want that information to come from people we trust.” by Ed Oswald Read More: |
10th Amendment a theme at 2011 Utah Legislature Posted: 26 Jan 2011 01:21 PM PST "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." – The 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution With the big Republican wins in the November 2010 elections, there seemed to be a common thread among the victorious candidates: Spending needs to be reined in on the national level.  10th Amendment Time In Utah, a state already dominated by a conservative legislature, and considered by most to be very well run, the new lawmakers elected to serve in the Utah statehouse aren't necessarily riding the same "rein in spending" wave that their peers on the national level are. When talking to several new and more senior members of the Utah House of Representatives, however, it quickly becomes clear what will join boilerplate hot issues like education, the budget and public safety as a key item this year: The 10th Amendment. One need not look further than a recent event hosted by the Utah Tenth Amendment Center, where a room packed full of Utah residents gathered to watch Utah lawmakers line up and present bills that they will sponsor in the 2011 Legislative Session that, they hope, will reassert Utah's state rights. The bills range from one sponsored by Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman, that would allow Utah to assert itself on the matter of the federal government attempting land grabs in the state to a bill sponsored by Rep. Bill Wright, R-Holden, that would exempt food grown and sold within Utah's boundaries from new regulations by the FDA. by Tyler Riggs / The Sutherland Institute Read More: |
2011 Budget Deficit to Hit New Record Posted: 26 Jan 2011 12:19 PM PST WASHINGTON – A continuing weak economy and last month’s bipartisan tax cut legislation will drive the government’s deficit to a record $1.5 trillion this year, a new government estimate predicts. The eye-popping numbers mean the government will continue to borrow 40 cents for every dollar it spends. The new Congressional Budget Office estimates will add fuel to a raging debate over cutting spending and looming legislation that’s required to allow the government to borrow more money as the national debt nears the $14.3 trillion cap set by law. Republicans controlling the House say there’s no way they’ll raise the limit without significant cuts in spending, starting with a government funding bill that will advance next month. The CBO analysis predicts the economy will grow by 3.1 percent this year, but that joblessness will remain above 9 percent this year. Dauntingly for President Obama, the nonpartisan agency estimates a nationwide unemployment rate of 8.2 percent on Election Day in 2012. The latest figures are up from previous estimates because of bipartisan legislation passed in December that extended Bush-era tax cuts, unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless and provided a 2 percent payroll tax cut this year. That measure added almost $400 billion to this year’s deficit, CBO says. by Andrew Taylor Read more: |
DeMint Introduces Obamacare Repeal in Senate Posted: 26 Jan 2011 12:17 PM PST  Jim Demint Introduces Obamacare Repeal to Senate Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) introduced legislation to fully repeal the Democrats' government health care takeover that President Obama signed into law March 23, 2010. Thirty-four Republicans have already cosponsored this bill. "Republicans are standing with the American people who are demanding we repeal this government takeover of health care," said Senator DeMint. "Repealing ObamaCare is vital to the future of our nation and the health of our people. ObamaCare will raise health costs, reduce choices, ration care, hike taxes, cut jobs, increase the national debt, and put bureaucrats between patients and their doctors. It's time to start over and implement commonsense solutions that allow Americans to choose affordable plans across state lines, end frivolous lawsuits that drive up costs, and gives equitable tax treatment to those who don't get insurance from their employer." by Fox News Read more: |